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WBNX in Akron, Ohio - Church of the SubGenius
Subject: Re: WBNX in Akron, Ohio From: [email protected] (NENSLO): Anyway, the point of this is: is this the kind of child all those: "Good Christians" want to be bringing up? The kind who won't cuss: but also don't really care when innocent people are killed, because: "they probably deserved it anyway"? "Bob" damn it, when ya actually
RANTS - Church of the SubGenius
WBNX in Akron, Ohio What the Yacatisma Have in Store for Humanity Clinton Orders Oklahoma Bombing The GAP Con THE PINK (Hour of Slack #64 rant) Doubters Doubt thee Doubt Not... Fall of America Flatulence, what else? God 13.013 in progress Heads wanted I crack myself up. I WILL NOT DO IT. Imajanor Rant Kid Ginsu's "Bob"photo rant, pt2 One World Pink