赛博坦之战WFC解锁帧数限制教程单篇 - 哔哩哔哩
用于解帧以及调整fov,界面如下. 设置完fps后按info即可生效. 使用方法:只需要设置想要的fps,然后按info就行,会弹出个界面,那个不用管,点确定或者叉掉再或者不动都行,这时候 …
ACS/WFC Full-Frame Apertures - HST User Documentation
WFC - Current “optimum” clean aperture location for small angular size target of particular interest at target coordinates position which will be placed on WFC1 and near but not in the chip gap …
ctor array and has a FOV of 135x135 arcsec. Its optics – other than the Pick-Off Mirror (POM) - will utilize silver mirrors. To minimize internal background flux incident upon the HgCdTe …
Glint is a thin band of light that extends across the field of view (FOV) of images from the Advances Camera for Surveys Wide Field Channel (ACS/WFC) on board the Hubble Space …
10.2 ACS Wide Field Channel, WFC - HST User Documentation
Observations with HST's ACS instrument can be done with the Wide Field Channel (WFC), and the Astronomer’s Proposal Tool (APT) has parameters for specifying these observations.
Map of the WFC3/UVIS and ACS/WFC fields of view. The cluster …
WFC3/UVIS data represent the primary observations and sample the cluster innermost regions (Cluster Pointing), while ACS/WFC data have been obtained as parallel observations (Field …
Transformers: War for Cybertron FOV tool and FPS unlocker
This tool corrects the FOV and unlocks the framerate for Transformers: War for Cybertron. Retail version of the game is supported--not sure about other versions. I have Steam version of the …
12.2 Mode = ACCUM Configuration = ACS/WFC - ssb.stsci.edu
The actual position of the target within the WFC FOV for these filters will be determined by the STScI based on the spectral element specified and detector performance.
3.3 Instrument Design - HST User Documentation
The spectral response of the WFC CCDs is optimized for imaging at visible to near-IR wavelengths, while the HRC CCD spectral response was optimized specifically for near-UV …
3.9 Apertures - Space Telescope Science Institute
Each camera has an associated 'optimum' aperture close to the geometric center of its field-of-view (FOV). These positions have been adjusted to reflect CCD performance following SMOV …