WFDF | World Flying Disc Federation
The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) is the international sports federation responsible for world governance of Flying Disc (frisbee) sports, including Ultimate, Beach Ultimate, …
WFDF Rules Accreditation
2025年1月1日 · WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2025-2028 - Official Version effective 2025-01-01 The WFDF Rules Accreditation process for the Rules of Ultimate 2025-2028 is designed to allow …
WFDF Rules Accreditation | Rules and Accreditation
Legal seat: World Flying Disc Federation, 5825 Delmonico Drive, Suite 370, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 USA Administrative Office: Enggasse 2a, D - 55296, Harxheim, Germany
WFDF Publishes 2025–2028 Ultimate Rules
Colorado Springs, USA – The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) is pleased to announce the release of updated Ultimate Rules and their Appendices for 2025–2028.
World Flying Disc Federation - Wikipedia
The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) is the international governing body for flying disc (Frisbee) sports, with responsibility for sanctioning world championship events, establishing …
The World Flying Disc Federation (“WFDF”) is the international sports federation responsible for world governance of flying disc (frisbee) sports, including Ultimate, Beach Ultimate, Disc Golf, …
World Flying Disc Federation - YouTube
The World Flying Disc Federation (“WFDF”) serves as the international governing body of all flying disc sports, with responsibility for sanctioning world cha...
世界飞盘联合会 - 百度百科
世界飞碟运动联合会(The World Flying Disc Federation,WFDF) 是国际飞碟运动的管理机构,成立于1985年。由国家(地区)飞碟协会和管理飞碟运动的组织组成。所有协会会员都有 …
2021-2024 WFDF 飞盘规则 中文版 - 简书
2021年1月1日 · 2021-2024 wfdf 飞盘规则 中文版. 正式版本生效自 2021-01-01 由世界飞盘联合会团队飞盘规则委员会制作. 1. 比赛精神
极限飞盘 - 百度百科
极限飞盘 既是指一项运动,亦指这项运动使用的器具。当指运动的时候,英文为Ultimate,盘友们之所以会翻译成极限飞盘,取其极限与终极的原意,台湾称之为飞盘争夺赛,香港称之为终极 …