M80, M80-G & M80X, M80X-G & M85, M85-G - WFL
Just straight stainless steel sheet metal makes perfect chip flow. The new tool magazine is accessible from the front of the machine and is a compact, stable and truly maintenance-free unit.
bars, solid drills, angular heads and facing heads can be securely fixed onto the milling unit. The use of the special WFL system boring bar opens up the possibility of automatically changing the cutting heads too. For the automatic handling of heavy ID machining tools, two different magazine types are available. Pick-up magazine
M80-G | Ellison Technologies
WFL’s unique MILLTURN concept promises unparalleled chipping performance with a high level of precision. With over 20 different MILLTURN models available, customers can selection from several options with turning lengths from 1,000 to 14,000 mm (39.4 to 551.2 in.) and turning diameters from 520 to 2,000 mm (20.5 to 78.7 in.).
数控车削铣削中心 - 80 series - WFL Millturn Technologies - 卧式 / …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供数控车削铣削中心产品详细信息。规格型号:80 series,公司品牌:WFL Millturn Technologies。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选数控车削铣削中心产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
【WFL】 WFL M80车铣复合加工中心介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
Ben Baggerly - M80 Interview, 视频播放量 562、弹幕量 0、点赞数 10、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 9、转发人数 1, 视频作者 Machinetools, 作者简介 分享机械相关视频,仅供科普娱乐! 感谢点赞和关注!,相关视频:【WFL】 WFL M150车铣复合加工中心介绍,WFL M30-G卧式车铣复合加工中心,WFL卧式车铣复合加工中心M100 ...
WFL M80-G MILLTURN - MachineTools.com
An essential feature of the M80 MILLTURN is the enormous variety of configurations possible out of the modular machine concept together with the best size for the individual machine configurations. The machine concept is based on minimized distances of tool and workpiece to the bed and widest possible guideway distances resulting in an optimum ...
AeroExpo(航空在线展会)为您提供CNC数控铣床产品详细信息。规格型号:M80 ,公司品牌:WFL MILLTURN TECHNOLOGIES GMBH & CO KG。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选CNC数控铣床产品和供应商采购信息,尽在AeroExpo。
M80, M80-G & M80X, M80X-G & M85, M85-G - WFL
Ein wesentliches Merkmal der M80 MILLTURN ist die enorme Variantenvielfalt des bekannt umfangreichen WFL-Modulbaukastens. Dabei ist es gelungen, diesen Funktionsumfang mit optimalen Bauverhältnissen für die jeweiligen konkreten Maschinen-Ausführungen zu realisieren. Das Maschinenkonzept wurde hinsichtlich minimierter Wirkabstände von Werkstück bzw.
WFL M80 MILLTURN 5-Axis or More CNC Lathes
Looking for a USED M80 MILLTURN? Have one to sell? An essential feature of the M80 MILLTURN is the enormous variety of configurations possible out of the modular machine concept together with the best size for the individual machine configurations.
M80 MILLTURN - Unlimited variety - WFL
2020年3月9日 · The M80 MILLTURN has a virtually unlimited range of machining possibilities. It can be used for turning, boring and milling as well as other technologies such as circular milling, turnmilling, B axis turning, deep hole drilling, ID-turning, hobbing and many more boring and milling operations.