Food Assistance for Assets | World Food Programme
The World Food Programme (WFP)’s Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) initiative addresses immediate food needs through cash, voucher or food transfers, while at the same time it promotes the building or rehabilitation of assets that will improve long-term food security and resilience.
粮食换资产 - World Food Programme
联合国世界粮食计划署(WFP)的粮食换资产(FFA)倡议通过现金、代金券或粮食转移等方式解决了当前的粮食需求,同时又促进了 资产建设与重建,从长远来看,增强了粮食安全以及恢复力。 FFA的工作旨在逐步创造 更健康的自然环境、减少气候冲击的风险和影响、提高粮食生产力,并 加强对自然灾害的恢复力。 自2013年以来,FAA项目每年为 50多个国家 的 1000万至1500万人口 提供了帮助,让数十万公顷的退化土地恢复生产、种植了数千公顷的森林、建造了数十口井、 …
WFP Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) - 2021
2021年3月8日 · The World Food Programme's Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) aims to address the most food-insecure people’s immediate food needs and to improve their long-term food security and resilience.
In asset creation, WFP is: Shifting its unconditional support (general food distributions) to the Government’s cash-based safety net programme and to conditional transfers: cash and food for assets; Strengthening the quality and sustainability of asset-creation activities; and Preparing the Government to eventually assume
WFP has been shifting from direct food relief to resilience building or asset creation since 2010, with the food assistance-for-as-sets projects in the semi-arid areas having turned from food transfers to cash trans-fers. Assets aim to give families the ability to not only withstand shocks, but also become independent of food assistance, producing
Food for Assets - World Food Program USA
With Food for Assets, WFP provides lifesaving food in exchange for work on community assets like roads, dams and irrigation systems. The community-centered approach has extra benefits like promoting nutrition, gender equality and social protection.
Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) is one of the WFP’s flagship initiatives aimed at addressing most food-insecure people’s immediate food needs with
World Food Programme - Assets Creation
A simple tool to track the progress of community assets created by the beneficiaries. An app to verify and track the attendance of the beneficiaries by scanning their ID card. Works offline. Feed eligibility lists from SCOPE or other tools and pay the entitlement to the individual beneficiaries based on the attendance record.
Asset Impact Monitoring System (AIMS) | WFP Innovation
The Asset Impact Monitoring System (AIMS) uses satellite imagery and landscape monitoring software to monitor the long-term landscape changes of Food Assistance for Assets and engineering projects.
WFP Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) - 2020
2021年3月8日 · Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) aims to address the most food-insecure people’s immediate food needs with cash, vouchers or food transfers while improving their long-term food security and resilience. In 2019, over 9.6 million people benefited from FFA activities in over 50 countries.