WGS 6 (USA 244) - NORAD 39222 - 3D Online Satellite Tracking
In this page you can track in real time all the satellites orbiting the Earth, with both 2D and 3D interactive representations, predict their passes, view their trajectory among stars on an interactive sky chart, predict satellite flares and transits (across the Sun and the Moon), find out the best location to see these events on a detailed Goog...
USA-244 - Wikipedia
USA-244, or Wideband Global SATCOM 6 (WGS-6) is a United States military communications satellite operated by the United States Air Force as part of the Wideband Global SATCOM programme. Launched in 2013, it was the sixth WGS satellite to reach orbit. It is stationed at a longitude of 135° West, in geostationary orbit.
Wideband Global SATCOM - Wikipedia
WGS-6 (USA-244) was launched on a Delta IV launch vehicle on 8 August 2013, at 00:29 UTC from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS). [14] Block II Follow-On. On 23 August 2010, Boeing was awarded an Air Force contract worth US$182 million to begin work on the seventh WGS satellite. The new satellite was procured under the WGS Block II Follow ...
2013年8月8日 · WGS 6 (USA 244), 39222 is a payload satellite owned by USAF SMC (US) in GEO that was launched on Thu, 08 Aug 2013 UTC via a DELTA 4M+(5,4) launch vehicle from the Air Force Eastern Test Range (AFETR).
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2013年8月8日 · This WGS mission is the sixth installment of the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) system. The WGS satellites are an important element of a new high- capacity satellite communications system providing enhanced communications capabilities to our troops in the field for the next decade and beyond.
WGS 4, 5, 6, 7 (WGS Block 2) - Gunter's Space Page
2023年1月14日 · WGS combines unique commercial spacecraft capabilities that Boeing has developed, including phased array antennas and digital signal processing technology, into a powerful, flexible architecture. Based on the Boeing BSS-702 bus, the satellite will have a dry mass of more than 3,000 kg and will produce more than 11 kilowatts of power at the end ...
WGS F6 (USA 244) Satellite details 2013-041A NORAD 39222
2025年3月11日 · WGS-6 is the sixth satellite in the US Air Force’s Wideband Global Satcom system. Originally named Wideband Gapfiller Satellite, WGS was envisioned as an interim program to bridge the gap between the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) and the advanced Transformational Satellite program, which has since been cancelled.
经纬度查询定位 - 在线工具大全
在线经纬度查询定位工具,支持使用在线地图拾取经纬度坐标,或者通过地址反查经纬坐标。 本工具支持的在线地图有: 百度地图、高德地图、腾讯地图和谷歌地图。 百度地图拾取的坐标为BD09坐标系,高德地图和腾讯地图拾取的为火星坐标系 (GCJ02坐标系)。 谷歌地图拾取的为WGS84坐标系。 坐标系转换可以使用 坐标系转换工具。 访问谷歌地图需要所在网络能正常访问外网。 谷歌地图经纬度坐标查询定位 帮助文档。 在线经纬度查询定位,通过在线地图,拾取经 …
WGS全基因组测序数据分析教程(一) - 知乎专栏
全基因组测序(WGS, Whole Genome Sequencing)是 下一代测序技术 ,用于快速,低成本地确定生物体的完整基因组序列。其目的是准确检测出每个样本(这里特指人)基因组中的变异集合,也就是人与人之间存在差异的那些DNA序列。
World Geodetic System - Wikipedia
The World Geodetic System (WGS) is a standard used in cartography, geodesy, and satellite navigation including GPS. The current version, WGS 84, defines an Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinate system and a geodetic datum, and also describes the associated Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) and World Magnetic Model (WMM).