Medicine at Queen's - Queen's University Belfast
The School's main office, Postgraduate Office, Centre for Medical Education and Centre for Biomedical Education offices are all located in the Whitla Medical Building (WMB). The building also houses three large seminar rooms on the first floor and within the foyer of the WMB is a meeting place with wireless provision.
Teaching Facilities - Queen's University Belfast
The School's main office, Postgraduate Office, Centre for Medical Education and Centre for Biomedical Education offices are all located in the Whitla Medical Building (WMB). The building also houses three large seminar rooms on the first floor and within the foyer of the WMB is a meeting place with wireless provision.
Whitla Medical Building (WMB) is located directly behind the Medical Biology Centre (MBC). On entering the MBC proceed straight ahead to exit doors leading to covered walkway to the WMB. Small teaching rooms are located here. The Sir William Whitla Hall is located on the Main Campus, QUB – it is located to the right of the main Lanyon Building.
Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutics | School of Pharmacy
Research in this theme is focused on the development of novel technologies and targeted therapies for advanced healthcare solutions.
贝尔法斯特女王大学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
贝尔法斯特女王大学(英语:Queen's University Belfast,简称「Queen’s」或「QUB」)是一所位于英國 北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特的公立研究型大学。女王大学的历史可以追溯到1810年创立的皇家贝尔法斯特学会,大学于1845年获得皇家特许状,1849年以“贝尔法斯特女王 ...
贝尔法斯特女王大学 - 百度百科
贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen's University Belfast)是一所位于 英国 北爱尔兰 首府 贝尔法斯特 的综合研究型大学、北爱尔兰地区学府、英国老牌名校、 罗素大学集团 、 英联邦大学协会 、 欧洲大学协会 、 江苏—英国高水平大学联盟 成员, 中英大学工程教育与研究联盟 英方牵头院校。 贝尔法斯特女王大学于1845年由英国 维多利亚女王 建立,拥有英国和爱尔兰顶级的医学院,工学院和商学院 [35]。 学校共五次荣获 泰晤士高等教育奖,七次荣获 女王周年纪念奖,共3位 诺贝尔 …
Intercalating internal – BSc (Contact: Dr Clare Foy, Centre for Biomedical Sciences, 1st Floor, WMB ([email protected])
【招生信息】英国贝尔法斯特女王大学慕熹东博士课题组招收无线 …
贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen's University Belfast)是英国第九古老的大学(1845年建校),也是优秀的罗素大学集团的成员之一,在2021年英国研究卓越框架 (Research Excellence Framework)评估中该校产出的研究成果中的96%被认定为国际优秀或世界领先的。 课题组所在的无线创新中心(CWI)是英国最大的物理层无线研究、开发和应用基地,也是全欧洲排名最靠前的中心之一。 申请方式. 有意申请的同学可以将简历、成绩单等申请材料发送邮箱: …
Student Selected Component for the 2nd year medical students …
2024年11月21日 · The panel is scheduled for 21st of November in WMB Seminar Room 4. This SSC is for 2nd year medical students. The title, as it appears in their booklet of choices (from which they prioritise their preferences) is:
Campus and facilities | About | Queen's University Belfast
Queen's is at the heart of Belfast's culture, as well as its art and social scenes. We're proud to be part of a bustling, cosmopolitan city boasting a vibrant social life and rich cultural heritage. Get the campus flyover tour with our video. Across health sciences laboratories, business, engineering and …