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Western Metal Materials Co., Ltd. | LinkedIn
Western Metal Materials Co., Ltd. (WMM) is a mining & metals company based in Xi'an. Founded in 2000 by a group of distinguished professors from the renowned Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous...
Western Metal Materials Co.,Ltd (China) - EMIS
2025年3月2日 · Western Metal Materials Co. Ltd. formerly known as Western China Advanced Rare Metal Materials Co. is a leading technology and manufacturing company that engineers refractory metal, nonferrous metal, metallic fibers in the world.
西部金属材料股份有限公司 - c-wmm.com
西部金属材料股份有限公司是以西北有色金属研究院为主发起人设立的高科技企业,成立于2000年12月28日。 公司于2007年8月10日在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市,股票简称“西部材料”,股票代码“002149”。 经过二十多年的发展,公司已经发展成为由7个控股子公司、8个参股公司和一个国家企业技术中心组成的具有较强科技实力和产业转化能力的高科技集团公司。 现有员工2000余人,其中博士、硕士400余人,总资产近70亿元。 公司始终深耕新材料行业,主要从事稀有金属材料 …
Home - wmm
Able to extract rare metals and precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium, etc. from electronic waste, with high returns. We can customize the production and manufacturing according to the customer's own site conditions, and we can also manufacture a complete set of equipment.
西部金属材料股份有限公司 - c-wmm.com
本标志根据“西部金属材料股份有限公司”英文名“WESTERN METAL MATERIALS CO., LTD.”简称“WMM”设计,以科技蓝为标准色,寓意西部材料“高科技企业”特色。 右边字母“M”代表金属材料,寓意公司以“金属材料”为主营业务;左边上方蓝色横条代表“科技创新”,下方八个红色横条代表公司八大主题产业,左边整体呈“V”形,示意科技创新引领带动产业发展,产业发展推动促进科技创新,科技与产业的良性互动推动公司在发展的道路上不断取得胜利。 该标志端庄、大方,寓意 …
WMM – Official Website
We strive to be the most approachable and responsive one-stop scrap metals trading and recycling service provider in the industry by building meaningful relationships. We uphold the highest standards of integrity in allthat we do. We follow a clear set of ethical guidelines and strictly enforce them throughout our operations.
c-wmm.com - 西部金属材料股份有限公司
Wet Mix Macadam: Materials, Construction Operation and …
2023年4月11日 · Wet Mix Macadam is a type of road construction material that is used for base and sub-base layers. It is composed of crushed aggregates, including gravel and stone dust, mixed with water and a binding agent such as bitumen emulsion or cement.
Wet Mix Macadam (WMM): Materials, Specification and Best …
2023年7月20日 · What is Wet Mix Macadam (WMM)? Wet Mix Macadam is a pavement layer that involves combining crushed graded aggregates and granular material, such as graded coarse sand, with water in a mixing plant. This mixture is then rolled onto a …