Wildfire Mitigation Plan | Riverside Public Utilities
The WMP specifically discusses RPU’s preventative strategies and operational actions that minimize risk of wildfires caused by RPU’s electrical infrastructure.
Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) 2023 Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP or Plan) is a structured protocol to mitigate the risk of RPU’s electric utility infrastructure causing a wildfire. Included are the steps, programs, policies, and procedures implemented by RPU to reduce these risks and minimize impacts to customers.
The Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) was prepared in house by RPU’s Wildfire Working Group in conjunction with Riverside Fire Department and the City of Riverside for publication in 2023.
2020年5月6日 · The main objective of this WMP is to document and implement additional controls and mitigation measures in order to lessen the probability that RPU’s transmission and distribution systems are the origin or contributing cause of a wildfire.
1. WMP Metrics and Performance RPU measures the performance of its WMP by tracking a umber of metrics and events. RPU made no changes to the metrics for its current WMP. summary of RPU’s performance in calendar year 2020 has been added as Section VII. The foll
06-18-2024 CC RPT 31 - Laserfiche WebLink
As such, the WMP is a compliance document. RPU is provided latitude in how it responds <br />and addresses the required contents, but the focus of the plan is very specific and directs electric <br />utilities to describe the actions they are taking to reduce the risk of their electric equipment causing <br />a wildfire.
06-22-2021 CC RPT 37 - Laserfiche WebLink
This Wildfire <br />Mitigation Plan (WMP) is designed to meet the standards set forth by California Senate Bill (SB) <br />901, which was signed into law in 2018 and tasked all private and publicly owned utilities and <br />electrical corporations to construct, maintain, and operate their electrical systems in a manner <br />that minimizes the ...
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Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC使用一个独立的功耗域用于PL和电池供电域(安全秘钥和实时时钟)。 基于双核ARM Cortex-R5F处理器的RPU可工作在锁步和独立运行模式。 锁步模式用于安全性要求严苛的场合,在锁步模式下,从处理器输入延时两拍提供时间分集。
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2024年12月13日 · RPU (Reconfigurable Processing Unit) - 可重构处理器. 功能: 提供硬件可重构能力,能动态调整硬件逻辑以适应不同应用。 灵活性强,可动态改变硬件结构以支持不同任务。 在特定任务上可以比传统 CPU 或 GPU 更高效。 常用于特殊领域,如实时处理、通信协议、边缘计算等。 物联网设备。 自适应计算任务(如 5G 通信、嵌入式 AI)。 工业自动化和机器人控制。 简单来说: CPU 是通才,适合广泛任务。 GPU 是专家,擅长大规模并行任务。 APU 是混合型 …
zynqmp APU(linux)和RPU (裸机)通过IPI中断实现同步_apu和rpu …
2023年9月10日 · 从内核ipi_mailbox源码触发自己实现APU(linux)和RPU (裸机)核间同步操作. APU核RPU可以通过 共享内存 交互数据,APU向共享内存写数据后,RPU收到ipi中断,然后读取完数据,将触发中断告知APU。 以此实现通步。 需要更改的 linux驱动 基于platform框架实现如下: * notification interrupt. * to be disabled. */ * notification interrupt. * to be enabled. */ .len= 8, .data={0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa}, a1 = pdata->local_id; a2 = pdata->remote_id;