Wheel graph - Wikipedia
In graph theory, a wheel graph is a graph formed by connecting a single universal vertex to all vertices of a cycle. A wheel graph with n vertices can also be defined as the 1-skeleton of an (n – 1)-gonal pyramid.
轮图 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在 图论 这一 数学 分支中, 轮图 (wheel graph)是指一个 完全点 连接到一个 循环图 上所有节点而形成的图。 一些文献中 [1] 会使用记号 Wn 来表示有 n 个节点(n ≥ 4)的轮图;另一些文献中 [2] 则使用 Wn 来表示有 n +1个节点(n ≥ 3)的轮图,这里 n 是指形成轮图的循环图中节点的数量。 在本条目中使用前一种记号。 给定一个 点集 {1, 2, 3, …, v},则若使用 集合建构式符号,轮图的 边集 可以表示为 { {1, 2}, {1, 3}, …, {1, v}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, …, {v − 1, v}, {v, 2}}。 [3] 轮图是 平面 …
Wheel Graph -- from Wolfram MathWorld
The wheel W_n can be defined as the graph join K_1+C_(n-1), where K_1 is the singleton graph and... As defined in this work, a wheel graph W_n of order n, sometimes simply called an n-wheel (Harary 1994, p. 46; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 248; Tutte 2005, p. 78), is a graph that contains a cycle of order n-1 and for which every graph vertex ...
輪圖 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
當 n 為奇數時, Wn 是一個 完美圖 (英語:perfect graph),其 色數 為3:環上的節點可以用兩種顏色染色,而中間的完全點使用第三種顏色。 當 n 為偶數時, Wn 的 色數 為4,且當 n ≥ 6時不是完美圖。 W7 是輪圖中在歐幾里得平面上的唯一一個 單位距離圖 (英語:unit distance graph)[4]。 輪圖 Wn 的 色多項式 為 。 在 擬陣 論中,兩類重要的擬陣 輪擬陣 (英語: wheel matroids)和 旋擬陣 (英語: whirl matroids)的概念都是輪圖的推廣。 輪圖 W6 是 埃爾德 …
WN graph - Desmos
Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.
NetworkX graph — WNTR 1.3.2 documentation
WNTR can generate a NetworkX data object that stores network connectivity as a graph. The ability to easily integrate NetworkX with WNTR facilitates the use of numerous standard graph algorithms, including algorithms that describe network structure. A graph is a collection of nodes that are connected by links.
Chapter 3 Common Classes of Graphs | Intro to Graph Theory
In this chapter we will discuss Complete graphs (Kn), complete bi-partite graphs (Kn,m), cycle graphs (Cn), wheel graphs (Wn), and star graphs (Sn). We have looked at many different types of graphs in the first two units.
Finding the Chromatic Polynomial for the wheel graph $W_5$
2016年1月25日 · Let $G$ be a graph and let $k \in N$. The chromatic polynomial $P_G(k)$ is the number of distinct $k$-colourings if the vertices of G. Standard results for chromatic polynomials: 1) $G = N_n$...
图论介绍(Graph Theory)(原创) - stone-stone-stone - 博客园
2019年12月17日 · Definition:如果图G能在平面上画出来,且任何两条边不相交,则称G为可平面图(planar graph),将可平面图在平面上画出得到的图为平面嵌入图(planar embedding)或平面图;
[Solved] For which value of n is Wheel graph Wn regular?
Wheel Graph: W n is a wheel graph. A wheel graph is a graph formed by connecting a single universal vertex to all vertices of a cycle. We can see in the above diagrams that the polygon is connected to a vertex at the centre resulting in a wheel like formation. It is regular for n = 3 or degree = 3. Q1. Which of the following graphs are trees ? A.
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