Effect of oxygen vacancies on the band edge properties of WO3 …
2019年2月10日 · Air annealed WO 3 leads to expansion of valence band. In this work, we propose the synthesis and investigate the band edge properties of WO 3 thin films having an optimum amount of oxygen vacancies for efficient PEC applications.
Visible-light responsive novel WO3/TiO2 and Au loaded WO3…
2020年8月1日 · By absorbing visible energy from solar spectrum, electrons of the VB of WO 3 have possibility to excite and transfer to CB. In addition, WO 3 has suitable conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) positions with respect to TiO 2 and performs hunter for electrons which are photo-excited and obtained from TiO 2 .
Cu-doped monoclinic WO3 nanoplates with superior …
2023年8月29日 · The best Cu–WO3 sample achieves CO and CH4 formation rates of 3.23 and 1.63 μmol‧g−1‧h−1, which are 25 and 27-folds higher than those of pure WO3, respectively. This work may propose a valid approach to engineer WO3 nanoplates for boosting CO2 photocatalytic reduction under visible-light irradiation.
WO3/Cu2O heterojunction for the efficient ... - ScienceDirect
2020年5月15日 · WO 3 /Cu 2O heterojunction was synthesized in situ grown on FTO substrate via a facile hydrothermal followed by electrodeposition method. It has shown that WO3 /Cu 2O heterojunction can not only effectively suppress the corrosion of Cu2O by the photogenerated holes but also achieve high PEC performance without any external bias.
功函数和费米能级的关系以及UPS测定原理 - 知乎
根据我们上面提高,功函数、真空能及和费米能级的关系,很容易得到,相对于标准氢电极的费米能级,WO3为0.89 eV,CoO:0.47 eV。 图1 WO3和CoO的(a,b)UPS和(c,d)VB-XPS谱图。
VB-XPS spectra of WO 3 and CuFe 2 O 4 /WO 3 - ResearchGate
In this work, a p-n heterojunction film consisting of n-type WO3 and p-type CuFe2O4 was synthesized via two steps. The n-type WO3 film was deposited on the FTO substrate by a doctor-blade...
WO3 mesocrystal-assisted photoelectrochemical activity of …
2017年3月10日 · We developed a self-assembled nanocomposite photoanode composed of epitaxial BiVO4 (BVO) matrix embedded with WO3 (WO) mesocrystal for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting in the visible ...
Electronic and optical properties of nanocrystalline WO3 thin films ...
2013年4月25日 · The valence band (VB) consists mainly of O 2p orbitals, and the conduction band (CB) consists mainly of W 5d orbitals [16–21]. Phase transitions result in changes of the band-gap, E g, due to modifications of the W 5d states.
通过形成氧自由基中心提高WO <sub>3</sub>(001 ... - X-MOL
所述γ-WO 3(001)的表面由一系列VB族元素的掺杂通过第一原理密度泛函理论的手段(DFT)计算与板坯模型结合进行了研究。 我们的结果表明,在富含O的生长条件下,VB元素的掺杂是优先的,在三组VB元素中,用Ta原子替代钨在能量上是有利的。 将VB族原子引入表面导致费米能级向下移动,并且在大多数情况下,像掺杂之前一样,源自平面内氧原子的2p态仍然是费米能级的主要成分。 但是,用Ta掺杂剂取代了6倍配位的钨原子(W 6f在顶层是一种特殊情况,其中刚好 …
UV-Vis DRS spectra (a), high-resolution VB XPS spectra (b), and...
Structural features, such as WO3 crystalline phases, TiO2 surface defects, as well as the WO3 (220) to TiO2-A (101) ratio, were the key parameters needed to obtain heterostructures with...