魔兽世界11.1 PTR 游玩指南及注意事项 / 金凤凰已加入游戏收藏
目前NDui需要使用测试版才能支持PTR。 可以自行前往S大的GitHub下载. https://github.com/siweia/NDui. 我网盘内也会提供 https://pan.quark.cn/s/2c49f331b849. 登录发现,除了个别Wa之外,插件极少报错。 可见这一次在插件层面改动不大,舒服了。
The War Within Patch 11.1.5 News and Guides - Wowhead
The largest World of Warcraft (WoW) information site, featuring guides, news, and information on classes, gearing, professions, raids, transmog, and more.
World of Warcraft Public Test Realm - Blizzard Support
The Public Test Realm (PTR) is a special service you can use to test game updates before we release them to the public. When we start a PTR test, we'll announce it on the game's website. We run PTRs in English, French, German, and Korean.
魔兽世界ptr测试服申请教程 - 哔哩哔哩
魔兽世界ptr是魔兽世界官方提供的测试服,在这里,你可以提前领略游戏中即将推出的全新功能和内容。 如果你想要第一时间体验这些令人期待的更新,那么下面的指南将为你揭示申请加入PTR服务器的步骤。
[PTR] 从零开始的PTR登入手册:一楼附低成本办法 178
2006年11月4日 · PTR 全名 Public Test Realm (PTR),中文为公开/公共测试服务器,是暴雪测试每一轮资料片的新阶段时开放的公众测试。 不同于某些炒作式的一测二测三测, 暴雪的测试是真的测试,花式bug 甚至不一定会修 ,不是装逼的地方,甚至可能玩得难受。
Patch 11.1 PTR Class Tuning Development Notes for February 12th - Wowhead
2025年2月12日 · Blizzard has posted Patch 11.1 PTR development notes which includes all tank damage being buffed and a lot more class tuning! Wheels now animate when you use a Boost and at a standstill. Fixed some unintended behaviors that occurred while attempting to …
11.1.5 PTR Development Notes - The War Within Patch 11.1.5 PTR …
2025年3月7日 · This Public Test Realm (PTR) is a testing environment for upcoming World of Warcraft content. The War Within: 11.1.5 Development Notes NIGHTFALL Players will take up arms beside a new faction, Flame’s Radiance, to defend the Arathi against the Sureki forces following the defeat of Queen Ansurek. This faction consists of volunteer militia led veterans Thaed Pyremaker and Mylton Wyldbraun. As ...
Patch 11.1.5 PTR Development Notes - Wowhead News
2025年3月6日 · This Public Test Realm (PTR) is a testing environment for upcoming World of Warcraft content. The War Within: 11.1.5 Development Notes. NIGHTFALL. Players will take up arms beside a new faction, Flame’s Radiance, to defend the Arathi against the Sureki forces following the defeat of Queen Ansurek. This faction consists of volunteer militia ...
Latest The War Within Patch 11.0.5 PTR topics - World of Warcraft …
2024年9月5日 · This Public Test Realm (PTR) is a testing environment for upcoming World of Warcraft content. The War Within: 20th Anniversary Update Development Notes PUBLIC TEST REALMS The client version is currently showing as PT…
Season of Discovery 1.15.5 PTR Development Notes
2024年11月13日 · Welcome to the WoW Classic Season of Discovery patch 1.15.5 (Phase 6) PTR. Below you’ll find a list of notable changes available for test as well as information about how to access testing vendors and raids. The focus of this PTR is to evaluate the new raid content coming in patch 1.15.5.
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