SikaCeram® WP Tape | Special Waterproofing Tapes
SikaCeram® WP Tape is a special polypropylene non-woven tape that is designed to reinforce and waterproof joints, corners, covers, angles, changes of plane, pipe penetrations and changes in material, as part of the Sikalastic® WP 668 waterproofing system.
ARDEX WP Tape 自粘型防水胶带 - 亚地斯建材官网
ARDEX自粘型防水胶带是由高强无纺布和特种胶粘剂复合而成 ARDEX WP Tape 自粘,粘结力强,施工快捷 断裂延伸率高,能承受高变形,高位移 耐候性好,抗紫外线、耐水性出色,使用寿命长 不含任何溶剂,安全,环保
Sikaplan® WP Tape-200 | Sarnafil Loose Laid Membrane
Sikaplan® WP Tape-200 is a PVC based waterproof sealing tape with modified properties for terminations and fixings of Sikaplan ® WP membranes.
胶带使用小秘诀:ARDEX WP Tape自粘型防水胶带 - 德优德标工程
2020年4月27日 · ARDEX自粘型防水胶带是由高强无纺布和特种胶粘剂复合而成,具有断裂延伸率高、粘结力强、耐水、耐候性好等特点,可与防水涂料结合使用,用于室内外各种高振动,高位移,高变形的区域。 该产品具备如下优势: 1、自粘,粘结力强,施工快捷. 2、断裂延伸率高,能承受高变形,高位移. 3、耐候性好,抗紫外线、耐水性出色,使用寿命长. 4、不含任何溶剂,安全,环保. ARDEX自粘型防水胶带特别适宜用于以下区域:卫生间、游泳池的墙体阴角处,给排 …
The Sikaplan® WP Tape-200 is used to connect the Sikaplan® WP membranes to the substrate and itself at edges and terminations, thereby maintaining a high quality watertight seal.
SikaCeram® WP Tape is a special polypropylene non-woven tape that is designed to reinforce and water-proof joints, corners, covers, angles, changes of plane, pipe penetrations and changes in material, as part of the Sikalastic® WP 668 waterproofing system. Store flat in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions.
"ARDEX WP Tape is made with high strength non-woven fabric …
ARDEX WP Tape is designed for: inside corner of bathroom and swimming pool; joints of drainage pipes and concrete; joints of window/door and wall; joints of metal decks, skylights; movement joints.
WP ST Mapei Mapeguard Waterproofing Sealing Tape.
Mapeflex MS45 must be applied around the perimeter of the drain to achieve an adequate seal at the junction. Provides waterproofing and vapor management when installing the WP 200 sheet membrane, use on seams and wall up turns.
MAPEI Mapeguard ST Waterproofing Sealing Tape - 5.9inch x …
2020年3月5日 · Versatile Application: 4.7" wide tape for waterproofing and vapor management with WP 200 sheet membrane. Seams and Plane Changes: Designed for seams and changes of plane in a waterproof/vapor-barrier membrane system. Easy Installation: Simple to cut, adjust, and install, enhancing overall installation efficiency.
ARDEX自粘型防水胶带是由高强无纺布和特种胶粘剂复合而成,具有断裂延伸率高,粘结力强,耐水,耐候性好等特点,可与防水涂料结合使用,用于室内外各种高振动,高位移,高变形的区域。 ARDEX自粘型防水胶带特别适宜用于以下区域: 卫生间,游泳池的墙体阴角处,给排水管与混凝土结构的交接处,门窗与墙体的交接处,彩钢板,阳光板搭接处的覆盖,各类伸缩缝,变形缝的覆盖. 更多信息请咨询ARDEX 技术服务人员。 ARDEX自粘型防水胶带在正常运输、施工中对人体和生态是安全的。 …