WPC80 - 百度百科
因此乳清粉的价格也非常低廉。乳清经过澄清、超滤、干燥等过程后就得到了 浓缩乳清蛋白 (wpc)。过滤程度的不同可以得到蛋白浓度从34-80%不等的产品。
WPC80粉到底好不好啊? - 知乎
wpc是浓缩乳清蛋白,80就是蛋白质含量80%,wpc80是大部分厂商生产的品牌乳清蛋白粉的原材料。 wpc80粉的优点: 便宜. 缺点: 1、卫生,80粉都是20kg装进口,大部分都是买分装,卫生问题得不到保证。
WPC 80 | Whey Protein Concentrate 80% - ADPI
Whey Protein Concentrate 80% (WPC Whey protein concentrate 80) is obtained by the removal of sufficient non-protein constituents from whey so that the finished dry product contains at least 80% protein. It is produced by physical separation techniques such as membrane filtration.
WPC 80 | ThinkUSAdairy by the U.S. Dairy Export Council
Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is obtained by removing sufficient non-protein constituents from pasteurized whey so that the finished dry product contains more than 80% protein. WPC 80 is produced by physical separation techniques such as precipitation, filtration or dialysis.
价格低廉的WPC80蛋白粉质量和效果靠谱吗? - 知乎
2014年5月27日 · 我个人不推荐买原粉(wcp80),最主要的原因就是买到的粉可能没有经过检测,有可能细菌超标。 如果想入手蛋白粉的话同价位还是推荐myprotein,虽然粉质一般但是毕竟是个正规品牌安全放心。 如果喜欢里面有各种添加比如肌酸,hmb之类的可以考虑 肌肉科技 或者 allmax。 那种太可怕了。 别为了省这点钱糟蹋了身体。 给个不错的海淘网站 iherb 美帝直销的 折扣也不少 我都从那买。 淘宝那个白粉...想想都可怕 没效果就算了 万一还有啥不好的地方 就 …
Whey Protein Powder Concentrates - Lactalis Ingredients
LACTALIS Ingredients offers a new serum protein concentrate of French origin. Thanks to its process, Laktein WPC80 is a highly functional protein. It is suitable as an egg substitute or for use in yoghurts, thanks to its foaming properties and neutral taste. It’s …
Whey Protein Concentrate - ADPI
Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) is obtained by the removal of sufficient non-protein constituents from whey so that the finished dry product contains at least 25% protein. It is produced by physical separation techniques such as membrane filtration.
WPC 80 - AMCO Proteins
WPC 80 is a high-quality whey protein concentrate suitable for various food, beverage, and nutrition applications.
Whey protein concentrate is obtained by removing sufficient non-protein constituents from pasteurized whey so that the finished dry product contains not less than 80% protein. WPC80 is produced by membrane separation processes. Store and ship in a cool, dry environment of less than 27°C and relative humidity less than 65%. Use within 9-12 months.
Whey Protein 80 (Concentrate) - The Protein Works
With our Whey Protein 80, you can rest assured that you are getting the purest and most natural whey protein possible. It's the ultimate protein shake to boost your protein intake any time of the day. Use it as a shake or add it to your breakfast, smoothies, or as …