Pathology Outlines - Staging-oral cavity
2020年12月29日 · Worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) (AJCC: Cancer Staging [Accessed 21 September 2018], CAP: Protocol for the Examination of Specimens from Patients with Cancers of the Lip and Oral Cavity [Accessed 29 December 2020]): Validated outcome predictor for oral cavity squamous carcinoma patients in multivariate analysis
Worst pattern of invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma is an ...
We analyzed the results comparing, early and advanced T (Tumor) stages, cohesive WPOI I-III, non-cohesive WPOI IV-V. Univariate analysis showed a significant association of T-stage (p = 0.001), N (Nodal) -stage (p = 0.002), DOI (p = 0.008), PNI (Peri-neural invasion) (0.001) and Tumor differentiation Grade (p = 0.001).
Worst pattern of invasion - Libre Pathology
2023年10月18日 · WPOI is predictive of disease free survival in oral cancer. WPOI is described as five patterns - but generally divided into two (prognostic) groups: WPOI 1-4: better prognosis. WPOI 5: poor prognosis. Definition of WPOI 5. WPOI 5 is defined as >=1 mm normal tissue between two tumour masses. See also. Tumour budding. Spread through air spaces.
Worst pattern of invasion: A prognostic indicator in early-stage …
2024年3月1日 · This study analyses the prognostic significance of worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) in a unique population of pathologically proven node-negative early-stage oral tongue cancer patients to see if the WPOI is a prognostic marker …
WPOI-5: Accurately Identified at Intraoperative Consultation and ...
The current study is the first demonstration that WPOI-5 significantly predicts OCM for pT1 OSC. Thirteen pT1 patients had occult cervical metastases; 10 with WPOI-5, 2 with WPOI-4, and 1 with WPOI-3 (Table 1). Most pT1 WPOI-5 carcinomas are clustered at a DOI between 4 and 5 mm, thus these patients would have received END based on DOI.
WPOI-4/5 Correlates With Lymph Node Recurrence and Poor …
Regional lymph node recurrence rates were significantly higher for WPOI-4/5 than for WPOI-1 to -3 (p=0.0065), and correlated more strongly with WPOI than with pT staging. Table II. Five-year regional lymph node recurrence and disease-specific survival.
最坏的侵袭模式对口腔鳞状细胞癌预后的影响:系统评价和荟萃分 …
结果 涉及 3954 名患者的 18 项研究表明,与 WPOI 为 1 至 3 的患者相比,WPOI 为 4 至 5 的患者的总生存期、疾病特异性生存期和无病生存期显着较差。 WPOI 与局部区域复发显着相关并发现死亡率。 结论 在各种结局中,较高的 WPOI 与 OSCC 的较差预后显着相关。 将 WPOI 纳入标准组织病理学评估可以指导个性化治疗并改善结果。 Impact of worst pattern of invasion on prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Tumor budding is an independent prognostic marker in early …
2018年4月19日 · WPOI-4 tumors are defined as having small tumor islands (≤15 cells per island) that are discontinuous, or convincingly separated from the main tumor mass. WPOI-5 tumors are recognized by a dispersed, discontinuous growth pattern, and the degree of tumor dispersion exceeds that seen for WPOI-4 tumors with a defined cutoff of 1 mm.
The impact of worst patterns of invasion on survival ... - Springer
2024年11月29日 · To examine the impact of the worst patterns of invasion (WPOI) on survival outcomes and possible implications for adjuvant treatment decisions in squamous cell oral cavity cancer patients. The loco-regional progression-free survival (LRPFS) and the distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) were calculated for 162 patients.
WPOI-5: Accurately Identified at Intraoperative Consultation and ...
2023年2月28日 · Frozen section analysis of oral cancer specimens is ideal for assessing margin distances and depth of invasion (DOI); the latter impacts intraoperative decisions regarding elective neck dissection (END). Here, we show that intraoperative determination of worst pattern of invasion (WPOI), specifically WPOI-5, has a high level of accuracy.