WSC-6 SATCOM Terminal | L3Harris® Fast. Forward.
WSC-6 SATCOM Terminal The L3Harris maritime family of SATCOM terminals provides reliable, high-data-rate communications to deployed small and large naval combatants and support ships. The terminals operate in X and Ka band over DSCS/WGS or allied military satellites and C band over commercial satellites.
AN/WSC-6 - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月21日 · The AN/ WSC-6( V) shipboard terminal is designed for use on surface ships to satisfy the Navy SHF ship-to-shore communications requirements while remaining within the cost, weight, and size ...
AN/WSC-6(V)9 terminal. These L3Harris terminals have demonstrated fleet availability of 99 percent while supporting bandwidth on-demand networks. The CBSP ULV terminal supports multiple missions including quality of life and MILSATCOM resiliency. The CBSP ULV terminal supports full duplex communications at data rates up
美军现役战略及战术通信系统 | 治部少辅
该系统用户里包括了美国海军的大型舰艇和岸基固定或移动终端站,其舰载标准终端为 an/wsc-6(超高频 shf),通常安装在航空母舰和带拖曳阵监视系统的舰艇上等。
(U) AN/WSC-6(V)X - wslfweb.org
1997年10月1日 · (U) The AN/WSC-6(V)X will provide unprotected, joint interoperable high capacity voice, data, and video for combatants and Flag-Capable ships, and reliable Joint/NATO-interoperable Low Probability of Intercept (LPI), secure information exchange at medium-to-high data rates for fleet flag ships, Surface Towed Array Surveillance System Ships ...
AN/WSC-6(V)X (U) - GlobalSecurity.org
AN/WSC-6(V)X (U) Overview (U): (U) Navy SHF Terminals provide unprotected, joint interoperable high capacity voice, data and video communications for combatants and Flag-capable ships.
AN/WSC-6(V)2/4/MODS/7 - milsatcom.tripod.com
Modify all AN/WSC-6 (V)2 & 4 terminals for dual RF and dual IF channel capability and TAC-4 Terminal Control. 22 antennas will provide all SHF SATCOM flag-capable surface ships high data rate capability (CVs, CVNs, LHDs, LHAs & AGFs).
Department of Navy Chief Information Officer Mobile
The AN/WSC-6(V)9 terminal installed on many guided missile destroyers enables the ability to also operate in the commercial C-band with a feed horn change out. A feed horn, horn or microwave horn...
AN/WSC-6A (V) 9 SOVT IN-BRIEF - SlideServe
2014年11月20日 · AN/WSC-6A(V)9 FEATURES • Modems • Internal modem CCAs 70MHz • Optional external modem 70 or 700 MHz • Global Positioning System (GPS) • Provides ship position information • Dual 7-foot Raytheon antennas • …
SRCSGT | 58 | AN/WSC-6 (V)XX SHFSATCOM System | 11-Oct-02
2002年10月9日 · The AN/WSC-6(V)XX shall provide 10/100 Base-T Ethernet and EIA/TIA-422 serial outputs for simultaneous control of up to four external modems from the terminal?s operator interface unit (OIU). The AN/WSC-6(V)XX shall be capable of controlling one, two or four topside antennas simultaneously.