Advanced UI Customization - WSO2 API Manager Documentation …
The user interface of the WSO2 API-M Developer Portal and Publisher Portal can be customized simply without editing the React codebase or the CSS in most cases. You will be required to modify the React codebase only if you need to do advanced customizations.
Architecture - WSO2 API Manager Documentation
WSO2 API Control Plane's API Publisher is a state-of-the-art GUI based tool for API development and management. The GUI is designed for API creators to develop, document, secure, test, and version APIs with ease.
wso2/apim-apps: WSO2 API Manager portals web UI apps - GitHub
WSO2 API Manager apps consists of several loosely coupled modules. * API Publisher portal. * API Developer portal. * API Admin portal. * Portals integration tests. Install NodeJS 22.x or later LTS version from https://nodejs.org/en/download/. Install Maven from https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi.
wso2esb简介 - 巴别塔 - 博客园
2016年10月18日 · WSO2 ESB是一个轻量级的易于使用的企业服务资源总线,基于Apache Software License v2.0. WSO2 ESB 允许系统管理员和SOA架构师轻松的配置消息路由, 虚拟化, 中介, 转换, 日志记录, 任务调度, 负载均衡, 失败路由, 事件中介等等.
Basic Architecture - WSO2 API Manager Documentation 3.2.0
WSO2 API Manager’s API Publisher is a state-of-the-art GUI based tool for API development and management. The GUI is designed for API creators to develop, document, secure, test, and version APIs with ease. It’s also able to cater to more API management-related tasks such as publishing APIs, monetizing APIs, and applying rate limiting policies.
使用 WSO2 API Manager 管理 Rest API - 巴别塔 - 博客园
2016年10月18日 · WSO2 API Manager (下文简称为 AM)提供了一个完整的 API 发布的解决方案,从创建和管理 API,到监控 API,AM 提供了 API 整个生命周期所需要的各种控制,包含控制访问权限,访问流量,监控 API 的调用,版本控制等。 对于开发人员,使用 AM 将不需要再关心安全检查,流量监控等辅助功能,只需关注 API 的业务逻辑,而架构师则将不再需要为不同的 API 编写适配接口,而只需将 API 资源添加到 WSO2 API Manager 中,即可实现 API 资源复用等 …
WSO2 API Manager 使用教程 - CSDN博客
2024年9月3日 · WSO2 API Manager 是一个功能强大的开源 API 管理解决方案。 以下是其主要目录结构及其功能介绍: │ └── ... components/: 包含 API Manager 的核心组件,如 API 管理、认证、分析等。 repository/: 包含配置文件、数据库脚本、日志文件等。 modules/: 包含核心模块,如内核、工具等。 samples/: 包含示例 API 和测试场景。 README.md: 项目介绍和基本使用说明。 2. 项目的启动文件介绍. WSO2 API Manager 的启动文件位于 bin 目录下。 以下是主要启动文 …
Overview - WSO2 API Cloud Documentation
Provides a consistent, easy-to-use GUI for creating and managing APIs. The platform automatically manages dependencies for you. For example, when moving an API from the CREATED state to PUBLISHED state, you usually have to connect to different databases.
WSO2标识服务器GUI为策略和请求创建不同的属性id-腾讯云开发 …
Releases · wso2/integration-studio - GitHub
WSO2 Integration Studio is an open-source development environment used to design and develop integration scenarios for WSO2 Micro Integrator and WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. A list of tasks/bug fixes and improvements shipped with this release can be found below:
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