数字功率计 WT300系列 | 横河测试测量官网 - Yokogawa
新推出的第五代数字功率计 WT300 系列提供升级创新的测量功能,可以帮助工程师进行基本电力测量,是待机功率测量、能源之星 ® 和IEC62301测试、电池充放电能以及其他低功率分析测量的理想工具。
The WT300 series is the 5th generation of Yokogawa’s compact power meter portfolio. The world’ s best selling power meter is the power meter of choice in multiple industries from production lines to R&D applications. The WT300 series offers customers a wide range of current inputs from a few mA right up to 40Arms.
数字功率计 WT300E系列 | 横河测试测量官网 - Yokogawa
WT300E系列数字功率计是横河(Yokogawa)紧凑型功率计的第五代产品,确保能耗标准和电气设备功耗测量。 包括:WT310E单相输入型;WT310EH单相输入/大电流型;WT332E 2输入单元型;WT333E 3输入单元型,精度为读数的0.1% +量程的0.05%,电流测量最低到50微安左右,高至26安培RMS,能进行电池和待机功耗等低水平电压测试。 | 横河测试测量官网 - Yokogawa.
Digital Power Meter WT300 (DISCONTINUED) - Yokogawa
The WT300 series of digital power meters are the fifth generation of Yokogawa's best-selling compact power meters: instruments that play a key part in ensuring optimum standards of energy efficiency and conservation by measuring the power consumption of electrical equipment.
WT300 系列是YOKOGAWA推出的第五代紧凑型数字功率计,是继全球最畅销功率计产品之后,又一款适用于从生产线到研发领域的理想机型。 WT300系列可以为用户提供的电流输入范围非常广,支持低至50μA 的极低电流到高达40A的大电流。 可以测量交直流输入。 量程 . 自动量程功能是指可以在指定几档量程内自动选择或改变量程。 此功能可以帮助用户节约大量时间,提高测试效率。 功率计在积分模式下测量功耗和待机功率时,通常需要固定测量量程。 但是,如果输入电平超过已 …
Yokogawa WT300 Series Digital Power Meter (WT310 WT310HC …
The WT300 series of digital power meters are the fifth generation of Yokogawa's best-selling compact power meters: instruments that play a key part in ensuring optimum standards of energy efficiency and conservation by measuring the power consumption of electrical equipment.
The WT300E series is the enhanced version of Yokogawa’s 5th generation of compact power meters. The world’s best-selling power meter is the instrument of choice for a wide range of applications in production testing, quality assurance and Research & Development.
WT300|Mice and Mouse Pads|ASUS Global
The ASUS WT300 wireless optical mouse has a compact, ergonomic design that ensures comfort — even after long hours of use. Symmetrical body is ideal for both left- and right-handed users.
Actino WT300 Running GPS Watch (ランニングGPSウォッチ)
WT300用のPCツールをダウンロードして、本体の走行ログを取り込むと 走行データをグラフや地図で確認することができます。 また、メジャーな走行データ管理アプリなどにデータをエクスポートすることが可能です。
WT300E - Economy | Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation
The WT300E series digital power analyzer provides extremely low current measurement capability down to 50 micro-Amps, and a maximum of up to 26 Amps RMS. This instrument is ideal for engineers performing stand-by power measurements, Energy Star®, SPECpower and IEC62301 / EN50564 testing, battery charger and other low-level power measurements.