WTO | Tariff Download Facility: WTO tariff data base
This database contains comprehensive information on Most- Favoured-Nation (MFN) applied and bound tariffs at the standard codes of the Harmonized System (HS) for all WTO Members. When available, it also provides data at the HS subheading level on non-MFN applied tariff regimes which a country grants to its export partners.
Most favoured nation - Wikipedia
Most favoured nation status is given to an international trade partner to ensure non-discriminatory trade between all partner countries of the WTO. A country which provides MFN status to another country has to provide concessions, privileges, and immunity in trade agreements. It is the first clause in the GATT.
最惠国待遇 - 百度百科
最惠国待遇(拼音:zuìhuìguódàiyù,英语:most-favored-nation treatment)英文简称MFN,是国际经济贸易关系中常用的一项制度,是国家与国家之间贸易条约和协定的法律待遇条款,在进出口贸易、税收、通航等方面互相给予优惠利益、提供必要的方便、享受某些特权 ...
最惠國待遇 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在國際貿易學中最惠國待遇(Most Favoured Nation,MFN)指締約國一方現在和將來給予任何第三國在貿易、關稅、航運、公民法律地位等優惠和豁免,也都給予締約國對方國家。
WTO Tariff & Trade Data | Data / IDB
Access official WTO tariff and trade data for over 170 economies. Explore applied tariffs, bound duties, import/export trends, and compare trade relationships with the most detailed global database. Download raw data for further analysis.
Most-Favored-Nations (MFN) Clause: Treating Trading ... - Investopedia
2024年9月9日 · What Is the Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) Clause? A most-favored-nation (MFN) clause requires a country providing a trade concession to one trading partner to extend the same...
Basic principles of the WTO, exceptions and transparency
What is the Most-Favoured Nation ("MFN") principle? MFN is an obligation not to discriminate among third countries. It implies that like products should be treated equally irrespective of their country of origin.
WTO Tariff & Trade Data
2025年1月22日 · The WTO's non-discriminatory “most-favoured-nation” (MFN) trading principle, whereby WTO members extend any trade advantage granted to one trading partner to all other partners, remains a cornerstone of global trade.
WTO Tariff & Trade Data | Analysis / Time series
Overview of trade-weighted average of applied tariffs (MFN and best preference) and imports for the last available five years. 2. Simple average, trade-weighted and maximum duties across years by economy and product based on MTN product groups. 3. Final bound duties by economy and product based on MTN product group information since 1996.
Types of Tariffs - World Bank
In current usage, MFN tariffs are what countries promise to impose on imports from other members of the WTO, unless the country is part of a preferential trade agreement (such as a free trade area or customs union). This means that, in practice, MFN rates are the highest (most restrictive) that WTO members charge one another.