WTO | Tariff Download Facility: WTO tariff data base
This database contains comprehensive information on Most- Favoured-Nation (MFN) applied and bound tariffs at the standard codes of the Harmonized System (HS) for all WTO Members. …
Most favoured nation - Wikipedia
Most favoured nation status is given to an international trade partner to ensure non-discriminatory trade between all partner countries of the WTO. A country which provides MFN status to …
最惠国待遇 - 百度百科
最惠国待遇(拼音:zuìhuìguódàiyù,英语:most-favored-nation treatment)英文简称MFN,是国际经济贸易关系中常用的一项制度,是国家与国家之间贸易条约和协定的法律待遇条款,在进 …
最惠國待遇 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在國際貿易學中最惠國待遇(Most Favoured Nation,MFN)指締約國一方現在和將來給予任何第三國在貿易、關稅、航運、公民法律地位等優惠和豁免,也都給予締約國對方國家。
WTO Tariff & Trade Data | Data / IDB
Access official WTO tariff and trade data for over 170 economies. Explore applied tariffs, bound duties, import/export trends, and compare trade relationships with the most detailed global …
Most-Favored-Nations (MFN) Clause: Treating Trading ... - Investopedia
2024年9月9日 · What Is the Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) Clause? A most-favored-nation (MFN) clause requires a country providing a trade concession to one trading partner to extend the …
Basic principles of the WTO, exceptions and transparency
What is the Most-Favoured Nation ("MFN") principle? MFN is an obligation not to discriminate among third countries. It implies that like products should be treated equally irrespective of …
WTO Tariff & Trade Data
2025年1月22日 · The WTO's non-discriminatory “most-favoured-nation” (MFN) trading principle, whereby WTO members extend any trade advantage granted to one trading partner to all …
WTO Tariff & Trade Data | Analysis / Time series
Overview of trade-weighted average of applied tariffs (MFN and best preference) and imports for the last available five years. 2. Simple average, trade-weighted and maximum duties across …
Types of Tariffs - World Bank
In current usage, MFN tariffs are what countries promise to impose on imports from other members of the WTO, unless the country is part of a preferential trade agreement (such as a …