Maine cartridge company | Survivalist Forum
2012年1月26日 · Received my shipment 1000 rnd 223 55 gr fmj and 1000 rnd 308 147 fmj. Total of 750.00. That is .50/rnd for 308 and .25/rnd for 223.
Blizzard Survival - Survivalist Forum
2013年2月25日 · I thought it might be good to start a thread about it right now since blizzard warnings are out. I used to live in lethal cold country. I have experienced a white out in blizzard conditions. Scary to say the least. Here is a good site with good information what to do for a blizzard. Good luck...
Diversify or consolidate caliber? | Survivalist Forum
2012年1月6日 · Reactions: wvdoc, extreme_survival84, Clawhammer and 4 others Save Share Reply Quote Like
Bullet Wounds and Tampons - Survivalist Forum
2011年11月3日 · Like Rover said the tampon idea originated from soldiers trying their best to save a buddy in a time when the issued first aid consisted of a single small minimally effective pressure dressing on the lbe harness.The current IFAK has two different options for wound packing,which is an effective means of stopping bleeding.The tampon is less than ideal but better than nothing.
SHTF Patrol. What are you taking? | Survivalist Forum
2012年1月14日 · Mauser scout with 4 spare stripper clips of ammo. Colt OP and two speed loaders, plus the 2+2+2 carrier. Water would be in a thermos (coffee in it) and a quart canteen at the belt.
Best State to relocate to in case of SHTF? | Survivalist Forum
2012年5月17日 · Either Southwest Georgia (North Ga won't be ideal because of drift from Atlanta refugees, same goes for Southeast Georgia as people move up the Florida peninsula) or South Alabama (At least 50-75 miles from the coast and south or west of Montgomery).
Bolt-Action Rifle in 7.62x39 | Survivalist Forum
2012年3月24日 · I am curious if anyone in the forum has experience with a bolt-action rifle in 7.62x39. I am interested in picking up a bolt-action rifle in this caliber to supplement my current firearms while also allowing for cheaper target practice than with my .308 rifle. I …
What is the best chicken breed for a self-sustaining homestead
2013年1月31日 · I started out raising chickens 4 years ago, and for the first two years bought a few of just about every layer breed in the book.
What is the most underrated rifle? | Survivalist Forum
2012年4月28日 · Advanced Search Cancel
Zeroing 5.56 AR15 at 21 Meters?? - Survivalist Forum
2012年1月12日 · Bullet drop is different for a 5.56x45 and 7.62x39. To be technical the drops differ depending on the exact bullet weight and load, etc....but in my day anyways, the AR/M16 series was designed to zero with a 55 gr fmj nato load, and was also very close (close enough for center of mass) with the 62 gr.