7 Reasons Why BTS’ Jin Truly Is Worldwide Handsome
2020年5月31日 · Jin rose to stardom when BTS debuted in 2013, and their fanbase just grew exponentially as the seven-strong took over the world with their international debut in 2017. …
BTS's Jin Shares The Origins Of His "Worldwide Handsome" Title
2017年12月10日 · BTS member Jin has revealed the roots of his nickname “worldwide handsome” and how it came to be. At a press conference for the “2017 BTS Live Trilogy …
It's How BTS Jin Proves Himself As Real life "Worldwide Handsome" - allkpop
2019年7月6日 · BTS Kim Seokjin first entered the top 10 list of the best ‘Sculpted face in the World’ in December 2018 by Czech doll designers. After receiving a total of 1,504,602 public …
BTS Jin I'm Worldwide Handsome Lyrics [Color Coded]
BTS Jin yeah I'm Worldwide Handsome Lyrics It's *Yeah my face handsome (jeonun jeonmal) handsome* thank you for correcting me Song from:@bangtans_girl_d7 (T...
BTS’s Jin Opens Up About How He Responds To Hate And …
2024年11月5日 · BTS ‘s Jin revealed how he handles it. Recently, he guested on Episode 64 of Jang Do Yeon ‘s Salon Drip 2 to promote his upcoming solo album HAPPY. She asked him if …
ジンさん(WWH)最新インタビュー公開!ジンさんらしさが溢 …
2024年8月27日 · Harper’s BAZAAR Koreaの公式YouTubeチャンネルにて、「バザーに降臨したワールドワイドハンサム (WWH)だよ〜いいね! 」というタイトルの、ジンさんのコンテン …
Why is Jin from BTS called 'Worldwide Handsome'? - YAAY
2021年1月7日 · Young, handsome and rich? People say there is no such combination, but Kim Seokjin denies it! The 5'10" tall idol from BTS is a true definition of this, as he is worldwide …
BTS Jin’s Iconic Worldwide Handsome Moments - allkpop
2022年8月2日 · Here are some of the most iconic worldwide handsome moments! 1. The Car Door Man: Of course, the most iconic handsome moment of all was back in 2015. Upon Jin …
世界中で快進撃を続けるbts(防弾少年団)。 12月4日のジン(JIN)の誕生日を記念して、整形外科医も認めたという“WWH(ワールドワイドハンサム)”な彼のイケメンぶりがわかる写 …
[公告] WWH in the SEOM Weverse直播纪念活动重新通知
与Jin一起的BTS Island直播活动<WWH in the SEOM> 在BTS亲自参与开发的三消益智游戏<BTS Island: In the SEOM>中,与Jin一起在活动广场畅享活动乐趣! [直播日程] 2025年3月10日(星 …
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