World War Z: Aftermath - Epic Games Store
2021年9月21日 · World War Z: Aftermath is the ultimate co-op zombie shooter inspired by Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, and the next evolution of the original hit World War Z that has now captivated over 15 million players. Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse on consoles and PC with full cross-play.
Save 67% on World War Z on Steam
World War Z is a heart-pounding coop third-person shooter for up to 4 players featuring massive swarms of hundreds of zombies, focused on fast-paced, gruesomely spectacular action.
《末日之戰:劫後餘生》 - Epic Games Store
2021年9月21日 · 在主機和PC平台上跨平台連線遊台,擊退末日世界中成群的僵屍浪潮。 在緊張激烈的故事情節中,攜手最多三名好友或與 AI 隊友並肩作戰,共同對抗全球各地僵屍肆掠之地的成群嗜血僵屍。 在羅馬的史詩級交鋒中奪回梵蒂岡城,並加入倖存者大軍,與俄羅斯境內冰雪覆蓋的堪察加半島共存亡。 《末日之戰:劫後餘生》還包括《末日之戰:年度版》中的所有內容,因此擁有原作《末日之戰》或《末日之戰:年度版》的玩家們于 9 月 19 日起購買《末日之戰:劫後 …
World War Z: Aftermath - Epic Games Store
2021年9月21日 · 『World War Z: Aftermath』は、オリジナルの大ヒット作『World War Z』を進化させた、協力プレイ・ゾンビシューター。 PC版『World War Z: Aftermath』をダウンロードしてプレイしよう。
World War Z: Four-player cooperative third-person shooter
Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse across consoles and PC with full cross-play. Join up to three friends or play on your own with AI teammates against hordes of ravenous zombies in intense story episodes across new zombie-ravaged locations around the world: Rome, Vatican City and Russia’s Kamchatka peninsula.
Buy Now - World War Z
Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse on consoles and PC with full cross-play. Join up to three friends or play on your own with AI teammates against hordes of ravenous zombies in intense story episodes across new zombie-ravaged locations around the world.
Buy World War Z: Aftermath - Deluxe Edition - Steam
World War Z: Aftermath is the ultimate co-op zombie shooter based on Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, and the next evolution of the original hit World War Z that has now captivated over 20 million players. Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse across consoles and PC …
僵尸世界大战【World war Z】【攻略】【心得】【经验】 - 哔哩 …
World War Z: Aftermath - Focus Entertainment
2021年9月21日 · World War Z: Aftermath is the ultimate co-op zombie shooter inspired by Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, and the next evolution of the original hit World War Z that has now captivated over 15 million players. Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse on consoles and PC with full cross-play.
World War Z PROS - Prism Ray
在主机和PC平台上跨平台联机游玩, 击退末日世界中成群的僵尸浪潮。 在紧张激烈的故事情节中, 携手最多三名好友或与AI队友并肩作战, 共同对抗全球各地新增僵尸肆掠地中的成群嗜血僵尸。 在罗马的史诗级交锋中夺回梵蒂冈城, 并加入幸存者大军, 与俄罗斯境内冰雪覆盖的堪察加半岛共存亡。 您可以购买此款游戏,通过主菜单中的二维码来关联至PROS账号. 将游戏与Prism Ray Service关联后领取你的首个奖励! 将游戏与PROS关联后即可领取奖励! 绑定Twitch …