The Ancient Religions of Eebe Waaq ( Dhaqankii Eebe-Waaq)
2015年10月31日 · Oromo Waaq, In the pre-colonial Oromo society, the core of Oromo social, economic, political, philosophical, and spiritual life was a holistic institution known as Gada. Under Gadaa, Oromos believed in Waaq (God). Waaq is one as a supreme being, but It is also many as ayyaana. Ayyaana exist in everybody and everything in the universe.
Waaq worship and age sets in Cushitic nations - Somali Spot
2018年12月14日 · None of the people who currently worship Waaq build temples or statues, the masjid of Waaq is under a large holy wagar tree, which symbolically connects heaven to earth. Waaqism has no monuments or buildings, and ancient Somalis had no writing, so the only clue is left in names of places and abtiris, where Waaq is everywhere.
Waaq | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
2021年1月16日 · Waaq was born from an acacia tree. People who follow Waaqism believe they are the offspring of Waaq. Imagine the creator of all beings coming from a tree. The creator from a creation and that creation must've had a creator too thus creating an infinite regress. Further invalidating this religion.
Waaq / Eebbe and Cushites? | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
2020年2月23日 · Eebe is Allah swt Walal. Go and read the Somali translation of the Qur'an and try find Waaq and I promise you that you will not. In Somali tafsir, Allah swt is not used but rather Eebe. Don't challenge me on the Qur'an and dhaqan sxb
Is there Somalis who practices Waaq religion??
2023年10月29日 · Waaq is a east Cushitic Monotheistic religion. Practiced by nomadic tribes. There are no idols and we haven't found any. But these waaq niggas loved trees for some reason. Nomads in ancient times would pray to the sky god waaq for rainfall. It didn't have a standard belief system like the religions of the Abrahamic faiths.
Somalis who believe in Waaq | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
2022年2月10日 · I really doubt that any Somali actually believes in Waaq. People that have turned away from Islam latch onto it because it allows them to posture behind Nationalistic sentiments and imagery. Belief in it seems incredibly performative; it doesn't even have a book, but they still look at it and say 'tani waa fikrad aad u wanaagsan'
Somalia Before Islam (Ancient History of Eebe Waaq)
2021年6月5日 · you can find the word waaq all over somali culture, language, regions like waaqooyi or cities like abudwaaq and in clan names. just say i am ashamed that my ancestors did have an religion before they peacefully accepted islam …
Waaq | Page 3 | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
2021年1月16日 · :dead: you're about to start another war nacala That's what the Jews say, gaal gaal dhalay dheh
Waaq vs allah | Page 3 | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
2016年5月22日 · well first of all muhammad must have taken the idea of forrmer prophets from christianity and judaism and second of all black is a colour just like white or green and since my ass is blacker than the bottom of a dhigsi i will call myself black and not pink cause that's the coulour of caucasians...
Somalis worshipped Almaqah not Waaq [THEORY] - somalispot.com
2017年6月25日 · No doubt about it. Isaaq has no "Waaq" in its genealogy nor do any of our settlements have any connection to this so called Waaq unlike other 'Somali' clans. We were peaceful loving worshipers of Almaqah before we were converted at the sword by the savage hordes to Waaqism.