""from the waist down""是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文)
Waist is located just above the legs. Saying "from the waist down" means the waist and the rest of the body below (legs) ex. He is paralyzed from the waist down. Meaning he cannot control or move the lower half of his body.
waist-down - WordReference.com 英汉词典
waist-down adj (from the waist downwards) SC Simplified Chinese 下半身的 : The accident left him with waist-down paralysis.
""from the waist down""是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (美國)(英文) …
Saying "from the waist down" means the waist and the rest of the body below (legs) ex. He is paralyzed from the waist down. Meaning he cannot control or move the lower half of his body.
What is the meaning of ""from the waist down""? - Question …
Saying "from the waist down" means the waist and the rest of the body below (legs) ex. He is paralyzed from the waist down. Meaning he cannot control or move the lower half of his body.
在中文中翻译"from the waist down" - Reverso Context
You have no feeling from the waist down, and at most, youmight get 10- or 20-percent return. 你从腰部以下都没有知觉, 最多会有百分之十到二十的恢复。 "You're paralyzed from the waist down, permanently." But because I was wrapped around a large rock and I was shooting uphill, it landed at my left ankle, fractured my left ankle and peppered me from the waist down.
from the waist down什么意思?是从腰部往下吗?down在这起什 …
2011年3月5日 · down 介词 “沿着。 而下” 为什么不是副词? 如何区分副词介词? 副词作状语,可以修饰形容词、副词、动词或全句,副词修饰形容词、副词时,应放在它们之前。 from the waist down什么意思?是从腰部往下吗? down在这起什么作用? from the waist down :从腰部往下down 介词 “沿着。 而下”
waist down 中文是什么意思 - 查查在线翻译
waist down的中文意思:adj.下半身的。…,查阅waist down的详细中文翻译、例句、发音和用法等。
I'm black from the waist down什么意思? - 知乎
这是 Black(from the waist down) 里的一句歌词,请问哪位大佬知道这句词有什深意吗? 显示全部
waist down - 英中 – Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"waist down" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
from the waist down"】とはどういう意味ですか? - 英語 (アメリ …
"from the waist down" というのは、腰とその下(脚)の体の部分を指します。 例:彼は腰から下が麻痺しています。 つまり、彼は身体の下半分を制御したり動かしたりできません。