About - Walk to Emmaus
What is the Walk to Emmaus? The above story provides the image for Emmaus, an Upper Room program that calls forth and renews Christian discipleship. Like its predecessor, Cursillo de Christiandad (Spanish for “short course in Christianity”), the Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a ...
Walk to Emmaus Communities - The Upper Room
Mountain Top Walk to Emmaus, Eastern Pa., Palmerton; Three Rivers Walk to Emmaus - Western Pennsylvania, Avella
Walk to Emmaus - Wikipedia
The Walk to Emmaus or Emmaus Walk is a spiritual retreat developed by The Upper Room. It is part of the three-day movement, and came out of the Catholic Cursillo Movement. It started in the 1960s and 1970s when Episcopalians and Lutherans, and Tres Dias [Wikidata] offered Cursillo.
Walk to Emmaus - The Upper Room
Discover Walk to Emmaus, a program by The Upper Room that offers a spiritual journey designed to strengthen discipleship and deepen your relationship with Christ. Experience this life-changing retreat to grow in faith and connect with a supportive Christian community.
Walk to Emmaus Resources - The Upper Room
Access resources for Walk to Emmaus, a spiritual growth program by The Upper Room. Find guides, materials, and tools designed to support participants and communities in their journey of faith and Christian discipleship.
Interested in going on a Walk to Emmaus?
The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program that thousands of people around the world have undertaken to renew their heart, mind, soul and strength. It serves the individual and returns them to their local church closer to Jesus.
Glossary: Walk to Emmaus | UMC.org
The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience, a highly structured weekend, which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a life-style. The program is designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people and through them their families, congregations, and the world.
Frequently Asked Questions for Pilgrims|Heartland of Texas Emmaus …
The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with a 72-hour short course in Christianity, comprised of fifteen talks by lay and clergy on the themes of God’s grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the church.
What is the Walk to Emmaus / Emmaus Walk, and is it biblical?
2022年1月4日 · The stated mission of Walk to Emmaus is “Empowering Leaders to be the hands and feet of Christ.” The goal of Emmaus is helping Christians live as disciples of Christ and become active members of His body, participating in His mission. The three-day experience of Emmaus is designed to “inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members ...
What is a Walk to Emmaus? - Alabama Emmaus Community, Inc.
The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with a 72-hour short course in Christianity, comprised of fifteen talks by lay and clergy on the themes of God's grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship ...