WASP-62 b - NASA Science
2024年10月24日 · WASP-62 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a F-type star. Its mass is 0.52 Jupiters, it takes 4.4 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0571 AU from its star.
WASP-62 - Wikipedia
WASP-62, formally named Naledi, is a single star about 573 light-years (176 parsecs) away. It is an F class main-sequence star, orbited by a planet, WASP-62b. The age of WASP-62 is much …
WASP-62 | WASP Planets
The planet WASP-62b is 1.39 times the radius of Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System. That means it has a radius about 14 times that of Earth. WASP-62b is roughly half the mass of …
WASP-62 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts. The effect of …
2021年1月27日 · 直到2018年才发现了首颗、也是唯一一颗拥有清晰大气层的系外行星,命名为WASP-96b,是一颗“热土星”。 天文学家们表示,研究大气层无云的系外行星可以更好地了解 …
2021年1月26日 · 这颗气体巨星被命名为WASP-62b,于2012年通过广角行星搜索 (WASP)计划南巡首次被发现。 然而,它的大气层直到现在还没有被仔细研究过。 利用哈勃太空望远镜的记 …
WASP-62 b - exoplanetkyoto.org
WASP-62 b is an exoplanet orbiting the star WASP-62, located about 560.4 light-years (171.8 pc) away from Solar System. Its discovery was publicly announced on 2011. The host star WASP …
WASP-62b系外行星 - 百度百科
这颗气体巨星被命名为WASP-62b,距离地球575光年,质量约为木星的一半。 但与木星不同的是,木星绕太阳公转一周历时12年;而WASP-62b绕其恒星公转一周只需4天半。
WASP-62b – WASP Planets
They conclude by saying that: “As the only transiting giant planet currently known in the JWST Continuous Viewing Zone, WASP-62b could prove a benchmark giant exoplanet for detailed …
WASP-62b, in James Webb’s continuous-viewing zone, has a clear ...
2020年11月13日 · James Webb’s “Continuous Viewing Zone” is the patch of sky where the satellite can point continuously at a target and so observe it most efficiently. Exoplanets within …
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