WASP-8b - Wikipedia
WASP-8b is an exoplanet orbiting the star WASP-8A in the constellation of Sculptor. The star is similar to the Sun and forms a binary star with a red dwarf star (WASP-8B) of half the Sun's mass that orbits WASP-8A 4.5 arcseconds away.
WASP-8b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
WASP-8b 是一顆位於 玉夫座 的 太陽系外行星。 該行星由 SuperWASP 與其他行星(WASP-6b 到 WASP-15b)一起發現。 2008年4月1日, 贝尔法斯特女王大学 的唐·波勒(Don Pollacco)在2008年的英國皇家天文學學會全國天文學會議(NAM 2008)宣布這項發現 [3]。 該行星距離地球49秒差距,是 SuperWasp 計畫發現最接近地球的系外行星,比 HD 17156 和 HD 149026 更接近地球。 它的密度高於木星。 WASP-8b的軌道是逆向軌道 [4][5]。 它的平衡溫度是950 K,但 …
WASP-8b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
WASP-8b 是一颗位于 玉夫座 的 太阳系外行星。 该行星由 SuperWASP 与其他行星(WASP-6b 到 WASP-15b)一起发现。 2008年4月1日, 贝尔法斯特女王大学 的唐·波勒(Don …
WASP-8b: a retrograde transiting planet in a multiple system
2010年6月26日 · We report the discovery of WASP-8, a transiting planet of 2.25+-0.08 M_Jup on a strongly inclined eccentric 8.15-day orbit, moving in a retrograde direction to the rotation of its late-G host star. Evidence is found that the star is in a …
WASP-8 b - 百度百科
WASP-8 b是于2008年发现的双星系统。 该系统已知行星数有2个,分别是WASP-8 A、WASP-8 B。
WASP-8b: a retrograde transiting planet in a multiple system
We report the discovery of WASP-8b, a transiting planet of 2.25 ± 0.08 M Jup on a strongly inclined eccentric 8.15-day orbit, moving in a retrograde direction to the rotation of its late-G host star. Evidence is found that the star is in a multiple stellar system with two other companions.
WASP-8b: Characterization of a Cool and Eccentric Exoplanet with Spitzer
2013年3月21日 · Abstract: WASP-8b has 2.18 times Jupiter's mass and is on an eccentric ($e=0.31$) 8.16-day orbit. With a time-averaged equilibrium temperature of 948 K, it is one of the least-irradiated hot Jupiters observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope.
2013年4月12日 · WASP-8b is a 2.18 Jupiter-mass (MJup) planet with 1.08 times Jupiter's radius (RJup) in a retrograde 8.16 day orbit. Its large eccentricity (e = 0.31) should make the planet's dayside temperature vary by hundreds of degrees along …
WASP-8 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
WASP-8 是一顆 視星等 9.9的 黃矮星,表面溫度5600 K,屬於 G型 恆星。 它的質量是太陽的0.93倍、半徑是太陽的93%,光度是太陽的0.79倍 [1]。 該恆星已知有一顆 系外行星,即 WASP-8b。 是由 SuperWASP 計畫以 凌日法 發現 [1] ^ 1.0 1.1 THE (SUPER)WASP FACTORY FINDS 10 NEW PLANETS IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS. 2008 [2009-05-13]. (原始内容 存档 于2010-04-16). Notes for star WASP-8. The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. [2008-08-07].
WASP-8b: a retrograde transiting planet in a multiple system ...
We report the discovery of WASP-8b, a transiting planet of 2.25 ± 0.08 M Jup on a strongly inclined eccentric 8.15-day orbit, moving in a retrograde direction to the rotation of its late-G host star. Evidence is found that the star is in a multiple stellar system with two other companions.
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