WASP-18 - Wikipedia
WASP-18 is a magnitude 9 star located 400 light-years (120 parsecs) away in the Phoenix constellation of the southern hemisphere. [1] It has a mass of 1.29 solar masses. [6] The star, although similar to the Sun in terms of overall contents of heavy elements, is depleted in carbon.
WASP-18 b - Science@NASA
2024年10月24日 · WASP-18 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a F-type star. Its mass is 10.2 Jupiters, it takes 0.9 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.02024 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2009.
WASP-18 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts. The effect of the surface gravity. Homogeneous studies of transiting extrasolar planets - V. …
WASP-18 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
WASP-18,是一颗位于 凤凰座 的恒星, 视星等 为9.29 [1] , 裸眼 无法看到它。 它的质量是 太阳 的1.25倍 [2]。 2009年8月,大角度行星搜寻计划 (SuperWASP,Wide Angle Search for Planets)在它附近发现一颗 太阳系外行星 WASP-18b。 ^ WASP-18b. Exoplanet Transit Database. [2009-08-29]. (原始内容 存档 于2012-04-06). ^ PlanetQuest: WASP-18 b. [2010-02-20]. (原始内容 存档 于2010-05-27).
Discovery Alert: Webb Maps and Finds Traces of Water in an Ultra …
2023年5月31日 · WASP-18 b, seen in an artist concept, is a gas giant exoplanet 10 times more massive than Jupiter that orbits its star in just 23 hours. Researchers used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to study the planet as it moved behind its star. Temperatures there reach 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,700 C).
WASP-18b - Wikipedia
WASP-18b is an exoplanet that is notable for having an orbital period of less than one day. It has a mass equal to 10 Jupiter masses, [1] just below the boundary line between planets and brown dwarfs (about 13 Jupiter masses).
WASP-18b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
WASP-18b 是一颗以公转周期很短,小于1个地球日而聞名的 太陽系外行星,其質量大約為10倍 木星質量 [5],刚好低于 行星 和 棕矮星 的13倍木星質量分界线。 因為 潮汐減速,一般認為該恆星在之後一百萬年內會以螺線軌跡逐漸接近母恆星,最終被母恆星 WASP-18 吞噬 [5]。 WASP-18b距離母恆星約310萬公里,距離地球約410光年。 該行星由英格蘭 基爾大學 的天文學家科埃·赫利尔(Coel Hellier)為首的團隊發現 [5]。 基爾大學和美國 馬里蘭大學學院市分校 的天文學家正在 …
WASP-18 b Illustration - Science@NASA
2024年10月26日 · WASP-18 b, seen in an artist concept, is a gas giant exoplanet 10 times more massive than Jupiter that orbits its star in just 23 hours. Researchers used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to study the planet as it moved behind its star. Temperatures there reach 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,700 C).
TEPCat: WASP-18 - Keele University
This page summarises the information held within TEPCat for the transiting planetary system WASP-18. Please see here for descriptions of the quantities given below.
WASP-18 b - Open Exoplanet Catalogue
It gives a quick overview of the hierarchical architecture. This table lists all planets in the system WASP-18. This planet was discovered by Hellier et al. 2009. This was a ground based discovery. The parameters listed here are those reported by Pearson 2019 and were imported into the Open Exoplanet Catalogue from the NASA Exoplanet Archive.