CLA-76 Compressor Limiter Plugin - Waves Audio
Inspired by the famed mid-‘60s Class A line level limiting amplifier, Waves CLA-76 compressor plugin offers the superfast attack that made the original studio legends.
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2023年1月18日 · CLA-76 插件不仅重现了著名FET压缩器Urei 1176的控制设定,还提供了其两种不同版本的切换——也就是俗称的“蓝脸”(Bluey)和“黑脸”(Blacky)。 适用方向: 不适用于: 压缩器通常会将输入信号分成两部分:一部分通过检测电路发送,以确定压缩器的运行方式;另一部分则是压缩器处理并发送到输出的音频。 在光学压缩器中,检测电路颇为独特——音频信号转变为光,触发一个控制增益衰减量的电光传感器。
Waves CLA-76 Compressor / Limiter Plug-in - Sweetwater
Waves' CLA-76 compressor/limiter plug-in is inspired by the legendary mid-'60s limiting amplifier, beloved by Sweetwater Sales Engineers for its lightning-quick attack and release times and the sound of its Class A output amplifier.
What Is the Best 1176 Plugin? (Our Top 6 Favorite Compressors)
2024年5月3日 · Waves Audio CLA-76. The CLA-76 by Waves is an easy-to-use and faithful recreation of two of the most beloved 1176 versions. It’s also an incredibly affordable 1176 plugin, and is a great place to start if you want to dip your toes into the world of iconic FET compression.
The 1176 Compressor: A Deep Dive into Its Variations and Legacy
The 1176 compressor is one of the most iconic and revered pieces of gear in the audio engineering world. Its signature sound and versatility make it a must-have in both analog and digital studios. Here's how you can effectively utilize …
Best 1176 Compressor Emulation Plug-ins: The definitive list
2020年8月8日 · Waves Audio CLA-76. This option is a marriage between Waves and one of the most popular mixing engineers of all time – Chris Lord Alge. It is based on the Blackface and Blue Stripe models (Rev. E and A respectively), and you can select between them with a …
Waves CLA-76 经典1176压缩器 - 压缩教程 - 似景如天
2024年1月25日 · Waves CLA-76是功能强大、灵活的压缩器插件,模拟经典晶体管压缩器的音质和表现力出色,在混音或母带处理中效果显著;Attack & Release调控可最大化保持原始声音冲击力与细腻度。
7 Best 1176 Compressor Emulation Plugins 2025 - Integraudio
Waves CLA-76 is available for Windows 10 or higher and macOS 10.15.7 or higher. It comes in VST/3, AU and AAX formats. Summary: The CLA-76 is a wonderful plugin from Waves, created in collaboration with legendary producer Chris Lord-Alge. It is a digital emulation of FET compressors that has a great sound.
1176 压缩器的历史:修订版 A 到 H - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Warm Audio WA76 为各种规模和预算的工作室带来了复古的 '76 压缩器声音。其699 美元的售价,接近 Universal Audio 新款 1176 价格的 1/4。这种特殊的仿真受到了热烈的评价。 Universal Audio 1176 经典限制器插件合集. 这是对 1176 完整电路的建模插件合集。
佩斯音频最新使用教程中英文翻译对比Waves CLA-76 晶体管压缩器 (模拟1176 …
2021年6月22日 · Waves CLA-76是一款模拟1176著名硬件的晶体管压缩器,效果非常棒,这个可能与 Chris Lord-Alge 称号“混音之王”的大师有关系吧! 现在我们来简单说一说Waves CLA-76一些功能,Waves CLA-76 没有其它压缩器需要设置的压缩阈值,这个压缩阈值...