近日本公司接獲多起通報,指稱有不明人士偽造本公司之名片,並偽冒其為本公司職員之名義,發送不明網路連結或進行虛偽交易。 本公司已循必要之法律程序訴究,並謹鄭重澄清,以下名片並非本公司官方或經本公司授權所製發,執此偽造名片之人亦非本公司之職員: 若遇可疑人士聯繫,請慎勿受騙並建議採取作法如下: 1、請不要透露或點選可疑網址後輸入任何個人資料。 2、請不要聽從對方指示進行任何操作。 3、如有疑慮,請於第一時間聯繫本公司或撥打警政署165反詐 …
WAN HAI LINES LTD. Shareholder Meeting Info. SOLAS-VGM Info. 1. Cargo tracking data is only kept for 90 days. 2. Please contact your local Wan Hai office for data exceeding this 90-day limit. Wan Hai office To trace multiple shipments, use this form to enter the BL or container number.
WAN HAI LINES | 致力于打造一站式海运服务平台
WAN HAI LINES (the "Company") solemnly declares that the Company is a safety-certified and good-quality enterprise (AEO), and is always the top of container shipping schedule reliability recognized by this industry for long.
Wazan Hai - MC ALTAF | D'EVIL (Prod by: AAKASH ) - YouTube
Rap & Lyrics : D'evil & MC AltafProducer : Aakash RavikrishnanFollow MC ALTAF onInstagram : https://www.instagram.com/mc_altaf_/Facebook : https://www.facebo...
WAN HAI Corporate Sustainability ESG has new Website! 本公司積極推動健康的職工環境,打造健康活力的企業文化,提升企業競爭力,並榮獲教育部體育署2023年「運動企業認證」。 Wan Hai Lines as an AEO certificate holder upholds the safety requirements of container transportation operation and is in full swing to assist Custom houses to fulfill safety measures in all aspects.
WAN HAI LINES | 致力于打造一站式海运服务平台
Wan Hai Lines began in 1965 primarily as a log transportation company operating in Taiwan, Japan, and Southeast Asia. In 1976, in response to the rapid development of international …
US Local Information - Wan Hai Lines
WAN HAI LINES (USA) LTD. 301 EAST OCEAN BLVD.SUITE 1650 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Tel No.:1-562-9019400; Fax No.:1-562-9019490; For Rates and Sales inquiries, please send an email to [email protected]
萬海航運股份有限公司 - Wan Hai Lines
1. 貨櫃動態資料只保存90天。 2. 如貨物動態資料超過90天,請聯繫您當地的萬海航運辦事處。 Wan Hai office To trace multiple shipments, use this form to enter the BL or container number.
萬海航運股份有限公司 - Wan Hai Lines
Add:香港干諾道西148號成基商業中心2,3樓全層 / Tel:852-28596100 / Fax:852-28586521