Welcome - World Downhill Skateboarding Championship
Austria Confirmed to be season opener as the WDSC prepares for record breaking year. The WDSC is proud to confirm the 2025 season will kick-off in Austria on the 13th June followed immediately by the iconic Ergan Dagi course in Erzincan-Turkiye on the following week.
WDSC - YouTube
With the 2024 season coming to an end, here is the first WDSC Brinx Cup lookback! Enjoy and join the ride as the 2025 tour should be even BIGGER with insane downhill races coming your …
WDSC Championship (@wdschampionship) • Instagram photos …
132K Followers, 443 Following, 612 Posts - WDSC Championship (@wdschampionship) on Instagram: "Home of the Brinx World Downhill Skateboarding Championship "
News - WDSC
We are excited to announce that Brinx.TV is now the official free-to-play broadcast platform for the World Downhill Skateboarding Championships (WDSC). Brinx.TV will broadcast all WDSC events live, during which viewers can bet on all the action in real time.
WDSC - Facebook
WDSC. 4,174 likes · 711 talking about this. World Downhill Skateboarding Championship official account https://linktr.ee/wdsc
WDSC-TV - Wikipedia
WDSC-TV (channel 15) is an independent non-commercial educational television station licensed to New Smyrna Beach, Florida, United States, serving the Orlando area.
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WDSC - TV Listings Guide - On TV Tonight
WDSC schedule and local TV listings guide. Find out what's on WDSC tonight.
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1、烧脑挑战,解锁更多内容并成功完成每一关,玩法丰富。 2、扮演不同的角色,每个角色都有独特的技能和能力。 3、各种谜题和障碍,玩家需要开动脑筋解决谜题和打通关卡。 1、多种挑战模式可以切换,包括单人冒险和线上PK。 2、局部的画面放大带来了极具趣味性的视觉效果。 3、灵活躲避障碍不断前进,给玩家更加方便、快捷的游戏体验。 1、要仔细观察关卡中的布局和要求,合理规划线条的走向。 2、画线需要一定的技巧和手感,多进行练习,熟练掌握操作方式。 …
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