Weberian apparatus - Wikipedia
The Weberian apparatus is an anatomical structure that connects the swim bladder to the auditory system in fishes belonging to the superorder Ostariophysi. When it is fully developed in adult fish, the elements of the apparatus are sometimes collectively referred to as the Weberian ossicles or Weber's ossicles .
韦伯氏器 - 百度百科
韦伯氏器( Weberian apparatus) 是在硬骨鱼类中,与消化道相连的种类有些是鳔通过鳔管(如鲤、鳗鲡),其前端由3个椎骨突起所变成的骨片,即韦伯氏小骨(Weberies ossicle)链。
Weberian apparatus - University of Cambridge
The Weberian apparatus is a specialized auditory structure of the axial skeleton of otophysan fish (series Otophysi, within the superorder Ostariophysi). It comprises four bony elements or Weberian ossicles , derived from parts of the anterior-most vertebrae, which via their ligamentous connections form a chain linking the swimbladder to the ...
韦伯器 - 百度百科
韦伯器(Weberian organ),亦称韦氏小骨,是鲤形目鱼类感受水中声波的器官。 鲤形目等鱼类在前面椎骨两侧彼此用韧带相连的4对小骨。 它们在内耳与鳔之间起传递感觉作用。 鲤形目鱼类的鳔借韦伯器与内耳联系。 [1] 韦伯器是躯椎的一部分演变而成,包括三角骨 (tripus)、间插骨 (intercalarium)和舟骨 (scaphium)。 它们一端连接鳔壁,一端通内耳的围淋巴腔。 [2] 水中的声波能引起鳔内气体的同样振幅的振动,通过韦伯器传到内耳,产生类似 陆生脊椎动物 的听觉。 …
韦伯氏器官 - 百度百科
韦伯氏器 - 简介(Weberian organ)位于鱼鳔壁的四周。 鲤形目鱼类的前几块躯干椎的两侧有几块小骨,可在鳔与内耳之间传导声波,这些小骨成为韦伯氏器。
Weberian apparatus | Lateral Line, Sensory Organs & Physiology
Weberian apparatus, distinctive chain of small bones characteristic of fish of the superorder Ostariophysi (carps, characins, minnows, suckers, loaches, catfish, and others). The Weberian apparatus consists of four pairs of bones, called ossicles, derived from the vertebrae immediately following the skull.
Weberian Ossicles: Meaning, Mode of Action and Functions | Zoology
Meaning of Weberian Ossicles: The perilymphatic sac and the anterior end of the swim-bladder are connected by a series of four ossicles (Fig. 2.40) which are articulated as a conducting chain. Of the four, the tripus, intercalarium and scaphium actually form the chain, while the fourth one, claustrum lies dorsal to the scaphium and lies in the ...
韋伯氏器 - 簡介(Weberian organ)位於魚鰾壁的四周。 鯉形目 魚類的前幾塊軀幹椎的 兩側 有幾塊小骨,可在鰾與內耳之間傳導聲波,這些小骨成為韋伯氏器。
Weberian Apparatus - Biology Educare
2022年7月26日 · The skeletal chain formed by the four ossicles connecting the anterior chamber of the perilymphatic sac and the swimbladder, known as the Weberian apparatus. Scientist Weber discovered them in 1820, hence the name Weberian Apparatus.
韋伯器 - 百度百科
韋伯器是軀椎的一部分演變而成,包括三角骨 (tripus)、間插骨 (intercalarium)和舟骨 (scaphium)。 它們一端連接鰾壁,一端通內耳的圍淋巴腔。 [2] 水中的聲波能引起鰾內氣體的同樣振幅的振動,通過韋伯器傳到內耳,產生類似 陸生脊椎動物 的聽覺。 [1] 1. 劉凌雲 鄭光美.普通動物學:高等教育出版社,2009年8月第4版:346,355. 2. 楊安峯 程紅 姚錦仙.脊椎動物比較解剖學:北京大學出版社,2008年9月第2版:268.