儿童功能独立性评定量表(WeeFIM) - 百度文库
WeeFIM最高分为126分,(运动功能评分91分,认知功能评分35分),最低分18分。 1、完全独立(7分):构成活动的作业均能规范、安全地完成,不需修改和辅助设备或用品,并在合理的时间内完成。 2、有条件的独立(6分):具有下列一项或几项:活动中需要辅助设备;活动需要比正常长的时间;或有安全方面的问题。 依赖:为了进行活动,患Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu需要另一个人予以监护或身体接触性帮助,或者不进行活动。 儿童功能独立性评定量表 (WeeFIM)-1、有条件依 …
Pediatric Rehab - UDSMR
The WeeFIM II ® System is the most respected pediatric outcomes management tool in the market. Used by pediatric inpatient, outpatient, and community-based rehab programs, the WeeFIM II ® System provides a simple, uniform construct that measures function in children.
Functional Independence Measure for Children | SpringerLink
The WeeFIM ® is a measure of functional ability that can be used for typically developing children, aged 6 months through 7 years, as well as children over 7 years with disabilities and delays in functional development. It is an 18-item performance measurement system that documents self-care, functional mobility, and cognitive abilities.
Pediatric Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM)
2013年4月16日 · The WeeFIM II® System allows credentialed clinicians across the United States and around the world to measure and document functional performance in infants (0-3 years old), children, and adolescents with either acquired or congenital disease in a consistent manner.
Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM) for Chinese …
WeeFIM is an 18-item, 7-level ordinal scale instrument that measures a child's consistent performance in essential daily functional skills. Three main domains (self-care, mobility, and cognition) are assessed by interviewing or by observing a child's performance of …
Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM): a
The Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM) was developed based on the FIMSM instrument to assess disability in children aged six months to seven years. Its reliability and validity have been studied, and normative data are available for American children.
The WeeFIM® is a measure of functional ability that can be used for typically developing children, aged 6 months through 7 years, as well as children over 7 years with disabilities and delays in func-tional development. It is an 18-item performance measurement system that documents self-care, functional mobility, and cognitive abilities.
Pediatric Inpatient Rehab: WeeFIM Scores Outcomes - Cleveland Clinic
The WeeFIM II® System, a pediatric version of the Functional Independence Measure™ (FIM) System, documents and tracks functional performance in children and adolescents with acquired or congenital disabilities by measuring a child's need …
About the WeeFIM - Family Hope Center
Our WeeFIM® results show that children’s neurological and functional capabilities significantly improve through the Family Hope Center’s parent-implemented home-based therapy. “The WeeFIM II® System is the most respected pediatric outcomes management tool in the market.
儿童社交独立性评定量表(WeeFIM) - 百度文库
儿童社交独立性评定量表(WeeFIM)是一种用于评估儿童社交独立性水平的工具。 该评定量表旨在帮助医护人员和教育工作者了解儿童在社交能力方面的发展情况,并为制定个性化的康复计划提供依据。