Weng Cho Chew - Purdue University
GEORGE AND FISHER DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR EMERITUS, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. (UIUC) Integral Equations Methods for Electromagnetic and Elastic Waves, Chew, Tong, and Hu, Morgan & Claypool, 2008. Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics, Chew, Jin, Michielssen, Song, Ed, Artech House, 2001.
周永祖 - 百度百科
周永祖(Weng Cho Chew),美籍马来西亚人,美国国家工程院院士,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校电气与计算机工程系George and Ann Fisher名誉杰出教授,普渡大学特聘教授。
Weng Cho Chew - Wikipedia
Weng Cho Chew (Chinese: 周永祖; [a] born 1953) is a Malaysian-American electrical engineer and applied physicist known for contributions to wave physics, especially computational electromagnetics. He is a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University .
IEEE Account - IEEE Xplore
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Weng Cho Chew - Google Scholar
Distinguished Professor, Purdue University - Cited by 49,633 - Computational Electromagnetics - Electromagnetics - Quantum Electromagnetics and Optics
Weng Cho Chew | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Weng Cho Chew (S’79–M’80–SM’86–F’93) received the B.S. degree in 1976, both the M.S. and Engineer’s degrees in 1978, and the Ph.D. degree in 1980, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, all in electrical engineering.
Weng Cho Chew - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PROFESSOR, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Integral Equations Methods for Electromagnetic and Elastic Waves, Chew, Tong, and Hu, Morgan & Claypool, 2008. Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics, Chew, Jin, Michielssen, Song, Ed, Artech House, 2001. (Print on Request)
Biographic Sketch - Purdue University
Weng Cho Chew received the B.S. degree in 1976, both the M.S. and Engineer's degrees in 1978, and the Ph. D. degree in 1980, all in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. His recent research interest has been in the area of fast algorithms related to scattering and inverse scattering of waves.
Weng Cho Chew - ResearchGate
Weng Cho CHEW, Fisher Distinguished Professor | Cited by 9,518 | of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL (UIUC) | Read 370 publications | Contact Weng Cho CHEW
W.C. Chew | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2015年5月20日 · 周永祖教授 (Weng Cho Chew) 於美國麻省理工學院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA) 獲得電子工程系的學士 (1976年), 碩士 (1978年) 以及博士 (1980年) 學位。 他曾先後任斯倫貝謝-道爾研究中心 (Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, CT) 的部門經理和項目主任。
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