It is mounted on, and strongly coupled to, a horizontal instrument pod (21.6-inch long and 5.1-inch in diameter) carried under a small airborne platform. The radiating aperture consists of an array of rectangular slots excited by a TW.
World Economic Outlook Databases - IMF
The World Economic Outlook (WEO) database is created during the biannual WEO exercise, which begins in January and June of each year and results in the April and September/October WEO publication. Selected series from the publication are available in a database format.
a conformal antenna, and to have it contained in an instrument pod which is attached to aircraft via a pylon. In previous papers the present authors reported scale-model development of a pod-mounted traveling-wave (TW) antenna to enhance the bandwidth, and reduce the size, of the antenna (J. Wang and D. Triplett, IEEE APS Symp. and URSI,
Wéo la télé Hauts-de-France - Business Podcast | Podchaser
2018年10月2日 · 10 episodes.Les podcasts audio de Wéo !
Jennifer Almonor WEO - Pod Program Testimony - YouTube
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World Economic Outlook: Divergent Recoveries - Podtail
The latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) places growth at 6% for 2021, compared to 2020's unprecedented contraction of -3.3%. But recovery is by and large vaccine-dependent and the lack of access to vaccines is making recovery hard to imagine for …
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Dataset Detail | Prosperity Data360 | Prosperity Data360
2024年4月17日 · The World Economic Outlook (WEO) database is created during the biannual WEO exercise, which begins in January and June of each year and results in the April and September/October WEO publication. It presents IMF staff economists' analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term.