英文 Was/ Were 所有用法, Be 動詞過去式看例句一次搞懂!
2021年4月25日 · 英文 Was/ Were 是 is / are 的過去,Was/ Were 是 be 動詞,也就是 be 動詞的過去形式,表達的是過去的事情,而非現在。 本篇文章要教學 Was/ Were 的各種用法,如果你還不是很了解 Was/ Were 的用法的話,那就趕快來看這篇英文教學吧。
過去簡單式 was/were/V-ed |必學使用時機與動詞變化!
2021年6月17日 · 在這用法中,常會有 表示過去的時間副詞yesterday, last night, this morning 或表達事件先後順序的 after, before 等。 另外,必須將動詞改為 過去式/-d或-ed 的型態。 Last year, Jane was shorter than her sister. (去年,Jane比她妹妹矮。 💡 從last year判斷表示過去的事實,用過去簡單式. The Lins were in the UK last July. (林家人去年七月在英國。 💡 從last July知道表示過去的事實,用過去簡單式. II. 過去的狀態. The weather was dry last month.
Past Simple or Past Participle? | Learn English
2010年9月16日 · In regular verbs the past participle is formed by adding ‘ed’. In the following sentences, which form of the verb is needed, the past simple or the past participle? Only use one word.
How to use was and were (past tense of the verb ‘to be’) in English ...
2025年2月8日 · We’ve seen how was or were are used to describe conditions. You can also use these words to talk about how you felt in the past. So, what if you want to describe how cold it was yesterday? Yes, you use was or were! Here are some examples: It was freezing yesterday! My hands were really cold! It was sunny on Thursday The children were hungry ...
Was were - Teaching resources - Wordwall
Make up sentences with was/were! Speaking cards. was/ were +-? Quiz. was... were... Quiz. Was/were - ? Open the box. Can't find it? Just make your own! Wordwall makes it quick and easy to create your perfect teaching resource.
Differences between Was and Were in English - prepedu.com
Was and Were serve as the past tense forms of the verb "to be" in both the simple past and past continuous tenses. They are used to describe the actions or states of the subjects. For example: I was doing my homework at 9 PM yesterday evening. I looked all over, but my papers were nowhere to be found. What are Was and Were? II.
Table of irregular verbs - Cambridge Grammar
Present: (I) am, (she, he, it) is, (you, we, they) are. Past: (I, she, he, it) was, (you, we, they) were. -ed form: been.
Was/were – past simple of ‘be’ - Test-English
(are ⇒ were) We use was/were to talk about the past. We often use past expressions of time: yesterday, last night, last week, two months ago, etc. She was in Stuttgart last summer. We were late to the party last night. We use was/were in the expression was/were born. The expression be born is always past (NOT present): was/were born.
has+v-ed与was+v-ed的区别??? - 百度知道
has+v-ed与was+v-ed的区别? has+动词过去分词表示现在完成时。 过去主动发生了动作,并且影响到了现在。 was+动词过去分词表示过去的被动。 过去被动发生了某个动作。
英语时态表图解_英语时态表格 - 沪江英语
英语时态是什么意思 行时 主动语态:助动词was/were + ing分词 被动语态:助动词was/were being + ed分词 6.完成现在时 主动语态:助动词have/has + ed分词 被动语态:have/has been + ed分词 7.进行现在完成时 主动语态:have/has been + ing分词 被动语态:无 8.过去完成时 主动语态:had + ed分词 被动语态:had been + ed ...