National Work From Home Day – June 26, 2025
On the last Thursday in June we celebrate National Work From Home Day, this year it is June 26. It’s a chance to recognize the technological and cultural evolutions that allow us as a work culture to be as productive anywhere in the world as we are in the office.
Don’t Let Employees Pick Their WFH Days - Harvard Business Review
2021年5月25日 · As U.S. states and the federal government start to roll back Covid-19 restrictions, and companies and workers start to firm up their office return plans, one point is becoming clear: The future of...
在家办公Work From Home的正确打开方式! - 知乎专栏
很多大公司会允许正式员工选定特定的某一天为你个人的work from home day。 这一天可以是周一到周五的任意一天。 选定过后,如果无特殊事宜的话,就不能更改啦。
Ranking The Best Days To Work From Home [SURVEY] - Buildremote
2024年1月23日 · According to data from WFH Research and shared via a tweet by Nick Bloom, Friday has become the chosen day to work from home for hybrid companies. Looking to improve your home office? Here’s everything you’ll find in my home office right now.
What Is The Best Day To Work From Home? | Hive
2022年8月5日 · According to a Build Remote survey, Wednesday is by far the most popular day to work from home. Thirty percent of respondents would prefer to work from home on Wednesdays, whereas only 28 percent prefer Mondays, and 25 percent prefer Fridays. Fewer than ten percent of people want to work from home on the remaining days of the week.
How to Pick the Best Days to Work From Home - WFH Insights
2023年4月13日 · When selecting a day to work from home, it is important to consider personal commitments, important goals and deadlines, and the impact on direct reports, colleagues, and clients. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the most popular days to work from home, while Tuesday and Thursday are the least preferred.
National Work From Home Day (May 17th) - Days Of The Year
2025年1月18日 · National Work From Home Day celebrates those days where office workers get the opportunity to avoid the commute and work from home for a day! Not to be confused with ‘remote work’ where an employee is working from home all the time, nor ‘Freelancing’ where the individual is an independent contractor running their own business from home.
What does an average WFH day look like? : r/remotework - Reddit
2022年5月12日 · My average day is this: Begin logging on @8:30AM to ensure all systems function and no IT issues. 9:00AM I'm live and taking calls assisting patients. 1:30-2:30PM Lunch. Back on the Virtual Desktop making calls. About 4:15PM break until 4:30PM back on cals until shift end at 6. Nothing surprising, or exciting. Just a normal day working from home.
“在家办公”是"work at home"还是"work from home"? - 知乎专栏
一部分人可能像皮卡丘一样,因为特殊原因,市县的道路还没放行,无法出门,无奈只能在家远程办公。 这里大家要搞清楚两个表达, work at home 和 work from home 。 像皮卡丘这种有工作单位的,正常情况下是需要去公司办公室办公的,不得已的情况下在家里工作,是说 work from home 的。 You do work for someone from your home; your work is still centered around the workplace, but you are completing it remotely. 你是为别人、为公司工作,只不过工作地点在家里而已。 而 …
Which Is the Best Day to Work from Home? - FlexJobs
One might think Mondays or Fridays to allow employees to ease in or out of the workweek without battling the extra traffic on those days. But one company, Doximity, has found that Wednesday is the most ideal day to allow employees to work from home.