Western Railroad Discussion > WGRF - Trainorders.com
This year's WGRF will be the third weekend of October (10/17-19) in Indianapolis. The unusually late scheduling reportedly was done for better light and fall foliage potential on the Indiana Rail Road. Lodging information is posted on the wgrf.org web site. Be sure to use .org, not .com, or you'll end up on a Buffalo radio station's site.
WGRF = Worlds Greatest Rail Fans - Trainorders.com
The WGRF had there yearly convention in Ft Worth TX hosted by Roger Bee last weekend 10/13/11 thru 10/16/11. Ken Fitzgerald assisted Roger Bee and arranged the Ft Worth & Western photo session on Saturday morning 10/15.
Nostalgia & History > WGRF Wednesday - Trainorders.com
2023年11月15日 · What year was the WGRF gathering at North Platte, Nebraska -? Looks like the Colorado gang missed the =17.549999pxopportunity. swaool Wrote: ----- > While we're on the "Famous Railfans featuring JDI" > theme, here's a shot from what I think was an > early WGRF gathering. I know who four of these > guys are...
6 of Aliquippa and Southern Railroad Company's Power
Those photos were taken at the 1979 WGRF Pittsburgh Meet. I was at this meet and took similar photos. Sometime in the early 1970's I had Bill Kuba while riding The James Whitcomb Riley. We touched base with each other at this WGRF event. Below is a link to the WGRF website. Both Bill and I are in the 1979 Pittsburg Group Photo. https://pbase ...
Some TN GE's from my non- WGRF trip - Trainorders.com
2020年11月5日 · Here are a few more pics from my "Was going to WGRF trip." I spent several days in Tennessee, not necessarily planned but necessary if I wanted sunny shots. A couple of days were spent in the Jackson area trying to capture some West Tennessee shots. Day one was a bust but day 2 was productive. I managed one roster shot and several action shots.
Eastern Railroad Discussion > Mike Sosalla - Trainorders.com
I am deeply saddened to report that the railfan community has lost one of the really good people. Mike Sosalla was a Milwaukee, WI area based railfan, railroad photographer and model railroader. Mike was an Army veteran who served in Vietnam and long-time member a
Just a trio of GPs version 2 - Trainorders.com
This year, for the first time in over 50 years, WGRF was cancelled due to Covid. I decided to take my usual WGRF trip, usually encompassing 2-3 weeks of roaming around the country. I usually travel around the area of the WGRF, then spend time visiting with my friends at WGRF, and then take a roundabout route home.
Encore 38: maybe a long ago 'prequel' to WGRF @ Maybrook?
2020年9月13日 · Not WGRF. First of those events was April, 1966. I believe that this was some kind of New York Railroad Enthusiasts fantrip. The people in the scene may have disembarked from the coaches on the track adjacent to the NYO&W F3 set. Based on the people's clothing would guess it to be early fall. NYO&W were built 3/48.
Some Indiana coverage on my non WGRF trip - Trainorders.com
The first shots of my trip were in Indiana. Found sunshine finally as I approached Evansville. The weather was fantastic for the three days I was in the area. Unfortunately, the Evansville & Western was shut down all 3 days for grade crossing improvements. So I spent part of one
Nostalgia & History > WGRF 2008 - Trainorders.com
Today, a friend of mine mentioned WGRF. Is this meet (of sorts) still happening? If so, where is it being held in 2008? I went to the WGRF website and it was no longer functioning. Thanks. Martin