Curb extension - Wikipedia
A curb extension (or also neckdown, kerb extension, bulb-out, bump-out, kerb build-out, nib, elephant ear, curb bulge, curb bulb, or blister) is a traffic calming measure which widens the sidewalk for a short distance. This reduces the crossing distance and allows pedestrians and drivers to see each other when parked vehicles would otherwise ...
Curb Extensions (Bulb-outs) - SF Better Streets
Curb extensions (also called bulb-outs) extend the sidewalk into the parking lane to narrow the roadway and provide additional pedestrian space at key locations; they can be used at corners and at mid-block.
Curb Extensions - NACTO
Curb extensions decrease the overall width of the roadway and can serve as a visual cue to drivers that they are entering a neighborhood street or area. Curb extensions increase the overall visibility of pedestrians by aligning them with the parking lane and reducing the crossing distance for pedestrians, creating more time for preferential ...
Bulb-outs - SFMTA
Bulb-outs (also called curb extensions) extend the sidewalk into the parking lane to narrow the roadway and provide additional pedestrian space and visibility at key locations. They can be placed at corners or midblock.
Curb Extensions/Bulb Outs/Neck Downs – A Block at a Time - abaat
Definition: Bulb outs, also referred to as curb extensions, narrow the roadway at the corners of an intersection by extending the curb into the parking lane or shoulder. Bulb outs narrow the width of the road which can reduce motorists’ speeds as they …
Curb Extensions - Ohio Department of Transportation
Curb extensions - also known as bulb-outs - extend the sidewalk or curb line out into the parking lane, which reduces the crossing distance for pedestrians and bicyclists, improve sight distance for all road users, and prevent parked cars from encroaching into the crosswalk area.
Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System
Curb extensions—also known as bulb-outs or neckdowns—extend the sidewalk or curb line out into the parking lane and reduce the effective street width. Curb extensions must not extend into travel lanes and should not extend across bicycle lanes.
Curb Extensions :: Minneapolis Street Guide
Curb extensions, also known as bump outs, are an extension of the sidewalk zone or curb line into the roadway zone at intersections or mid-block locations. Curb extensions are intended to increase safety, calm motorized traffic, and create additional space for pedestrians and the boulevard and furnishing zone.
Why Bulb-Outs? – San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
2017年2月1日 · Also known as curb extensions, bulb-outs align the curb with the parking lane to increase the visibility of people on the sidewalk and to reduce the distance to cross the street. “Bulb-out” is an umbrella term that can include gateways to neighborhood streets, mid-block street narrowing or boarding areas for public transit.
Examples of horizontal deflection measures are curb extension (bulb-out), chicanes, gateway, on-street parking, raised median island (pedestrian refuge) and traffic roundabouts. Although these measures are mainly used to address speed concerns, applications that reduce the width of the travel lane can improve pedestrian safety by