Band cell - Wikipedia
A band cell (also called band neutrophil, band form or stab cell) is a cell undergoing granulopoiesis, derived from a metamyelocyte, and leading to a mature granulocyte. It is …
桿狀核粒細胞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
桿狀核粒細胞(英語: band cell、band neutrophil、stab cell )是一種正在骨髓進行 粒细胞生成 ( 英语 : granulopoiesis ) 的顆粒球前體,也會被釋出到血液中,由晚幼粒细 …
杆状核粒细胞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
杆状核粒细胞(英语: band cell、band neutrophil、stab cell )是一种正在骨髓进行 粒细胞生成 ( 英语 : granulopoiesis ) 的颗粒球前体,也会被释出到血液中,由晚幼粒细 …
Stabs - Glossary - Better Understanding Health Issues - Biron
Stabs (band cells) are immature neutrophils (leukocytes or white blood cells). Adult blood normally contains less than 1% of its leukocytes in the form of stabs. A higher percentage or ratio (stab …
Stab neutrophil | definition of stab neutrophil by ... - Medical …
When stained, neutrophils are characterized by: 1) a nucleus that is dark purple-blue and lobated; 2) a cytoplasm that is faintly pink and contains numerous fine pink or violet-pink granules. The …
Answering your questions - Medical Laboratory Observer
2003年11月1日 · To Schilling, band neutrophils were the stabkernige (i.e., with stab nuclei), because they looked like a shepherds staff for which the German word is stab. This term has …
Band Neutrophils - The Blood Project
White blood cell, neutrophil: Band neutrophil: Also known as: Stab cell: Definition: Neutrophil cytoplasm with deeply indented nucleus. The nucleus is indented to more that half the …
Stab cell | definition of stab cell by Medical dictionary
any cell of the granulocytic (leukocytic) series that has a nucleus that could be described as a curved or coiled band, no matter how marked the indentation, if it does not completely …
Neutrophilic segmented, band and juvenile granulocyte - SOTE
Neutrophilic band in normal peripheral blood; It is called band neutrophil because of its nonsegmented, long and narrow nucleus. The band-like nucleus can take any shape. The …
Neutrophil band - CellWiki
Synonyms: Stab The nucleus of a banded neutrophil has a shape more closely resembling a horseshoe and may display one or more nicks. The cell has a spacious amount of pinkish …