White's PulseScan TDI - Steve's Reviews - DetectorProspector.com
2018年6月21日 · Suffice it to say the TDI has the ability to play tricks and discern targets far beyond what most PI detectors can achieve. Another major feature on the TDI is the ability for the ground balance system to be shut off. The method used to ground balance the TDI in effect subtracts the ground reading from the total readings returned by the detector.
White's TDI SL - Metal Detector Reviews - DetectorProspector.com
2018年12月2日 · White's TDI SL control panel FULL-CONTROL GROUND BALANCE - Quickly balance out the iron mineralization of hot rocks, black sand and other tough grounds ADJUSTABLE PULSE DELAY - Settings from 10 microseconds (best for finding gold nuggets) to 25 microseconds (for relic, coin and beach hunting)
Chronology Of The Different White's TDI Models?
2022年8月18日 · 2016 catalog -- TDI/SL at $1299.95 MSRP. 2017 catalog -- TDI/SL at $1199.95 MSRP (Note: price drop for this year, but back up next year) 2018 catalog -- TDI/SL at $1299.95 MSRP. Apprently the original big box Pulse Scan TDI was discontinued and the Pro introduced (and subsequently discontinued) in those four years that I'm missing (2010-13).
Whites Tdi Pro Stock Vs Whites TDI Pro Modified - White's Metal ...
2020年1月25日 · The passing of a friend unfortunately has led to me taking ownership of a modified Tdi Pro. My machine is mounted on an Anderson shaft and is factory spec. My old mate had his machine modified to smooth out the threshold and to add some sensitivity. The specifics related to the modifications are ...
Whites TDI SL Mod - White's Metal Detectors
2020年5月2日 · Gear In Use: Whites GM24K, TDI-SL, DFX, Discovery TF900, TF1200. Homebuilt mineral jigs/with auto-feeder, for gems. Homebuilt mineral jigs/with auto-feeder, for gems. Designer & inventor & operator of patented "Sweep Jig' (US10159988 B1), Honda Pioneer 500
White's TDI Coin Settings - DetectorProspector.com
2018年6月14日 · From original forum post 5/27/2008 updated 2/14/2010, 1/13/2013 and 1/3/2014 The White’s PulseScan TDI is a ground balancing pulse induction (GBPI) metal detector and as a rule these detectors are considered “dig-it-all” type detectors.
TDI Pro Coil Comparison On The Goldfields
2019年9月2日 · The Tdi Pro was ground balanced, gain was at 5, conductivity was in ALL, pulse delay was 10. Frequency was set in the middle and the audio was boosted by a Nokia MD-11 external speaker. Only clear repeatable signals were recorded.
Making A Whites TDI Pro Battery Pack - White's Metal Detectors ...
2024年2月7日 · I know TDI Pro's are becoming rare but for those that still have them I'm sure many need new batteries so I figured sharing this information may help. Whites TDI Pro Parts list. Panasonic NCR18650GA 3450mAh Li-ion Pigtail Barrel Plug Connector cable 2.5mm x 5.5mm Male and Female connectors (Male for the Battery pack and Female for the charger)
Whites TDI Pro And Detech Coil - White's Metal Detectors ...
2016年2月25日 · Today I sold a Whites TDI pro to a customer, we set it up and turned it on with the stock coil and did a few air tests. He heard that Minelab coils would work and other PI series coils. I suggested we try some Detech coils with the following results. The new 14in Mono Spiral wound ran quieter and...
Making A Whites TDI Pro Battery Pack - DetectorProspector.com
2024年2月7日 · On my Whites TDI Li ion battery pks; if I'm not using for a couple of months (say 4-6), I will put them back on the charger to top them off. It seems that they deplete sooner than what I expected... Oh Well. In the near future, I will no doubt put together a new set of Li Ion pks like you shown. Thanks again TC-AZ