Study Sport Management - WHU
With a sports management degree, the world is open to you in the sports sector! After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, you have the option of going straight into professional life, or alternatively, you can add on a master’s degree in sports management to further expand your career opportunities.
Center for Sports and Management - WHU
Erfahren Sie, wie das Center for Sports and Management an der WHU die Verbindung zwischen Sport und Wirtschaft durch wegweisende Forschung, branchenspezifische Weiterbildungsprogramme und praxisnahe Projekte stärkt.
【原体育部新闻公告】 体质健康测试、环跑问题“珞珈体育”公众号内输入:人工
2025年2月15日上午,武汉大学高水平运动队2024-2025年冬季集训总结会在卓尔体育馆162会议室顺利召开。 体育部主任罗江波、各高水平队教练员及运动员参加冬季集训总结会。 会议由体育部副主任柳景华主持。 柳景华对所有高水平运动员进行了点名,并详细通报了每位队员的冬训参训情况。 他首先对所有教练员2024年辛勤的工作,以及运动员在大赛中获得的优异成绩表示了祝贺。...
European Sports Business Program - WHU
The European Sports Business Program (ESBP) aims to prepare high potentials in sports business for the (future) challenges within their industry through a tailor-made executive education program. The program consists of 3 x 3-day on-site modules at the most prestigious European business schools specializing in sports business.
West Ham United FC
Official website of West Ham United FC.
WHU Sports Business Conference (SBC) - WHU Euromasters
WHU Euromasters is Europe's largest sports event for business schools. It combines competitive sports within several disciplines, amazing parties, as well as great career opportunities!
WHU Euromasters 2025 - We are Spirit!
WHU Euromasters is the largest sports event for business schools in Europe, with over 2000 participants coming together since 1997. More than just a competition, it embodies a strong sense of spirit and community, connecting students from top business schools across Europe and providing opportunities to engage with international companies.
How is Artificial Intelligence Changing the Sports Industry? | WHU
A recent study by WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management demonstrates how developments in artificial intelligence affect the sports industry and highlights the promises AI holds for the...
武汉大学2023年高水平运动队招生简章 - whu.edu.cn
2022年12月15日 · 为推进学校体育文化建设,提高学生运动竞赛水平,依据教育部有关文件精神及全国大学生比赛相关竞赛规则,结合学校实际情况,我校高水平运动队2023年继续面向全国招生。 一、招生项目及计划. (一)招生项目:乒乓球、羽毛球、男子排球、田径、男子足球(11人制,以下相同)。 (二)招生计划:72人。 分项目招生计划如下:...
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