"why tho" có nghĩa là gì? - Câu hỏi về Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) | HiNative
Định nghĩa why tho "Why tho" is slang (shortened language) for "Why though," and is normally used as a question. The person asking would want to learn the speaker's motive for doing …
What does 'why tho' mean? I've seen it as a meme on the internet ...
2022年1月30日 · "but why?"|it's a bewildered person asking why someone would do that |It's just though become " Tho 😂|Why tho means something along the lines of. "Why would you do or say …
Why people says 'tho' at the end of the sentence? [duplicate]
2016年5月19日 · tho(ugh) When though is the last word in the sentence, it is a marker that the speaker has just added and may be adding some new information which qualifies or limits …
¿Qué significa "why tho" en Inglés (US)? | HiNative
It's a slang way of asking for more clarification. Person 1: I don't like that place. Person 2: Why tho? Proper grammar would be: Person 1: I don't like that place. Person 2: Why don't you like …
"why tho"是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (美國)(英文)的問題 | HiNative
why tho的意思"Why tho" is slang (shortened language) for "Why though," and is normally used as a question. The person asking would want to learn the speaker's motive for doing something. …
O que significa "why tho"? - Pergunta sobre a Inglês (EUA)
Definição de why tho "Why tho" is slang (shortened language) for "Why though," and is normally used as a question. The person asking would want to learn the speaker's motive for doing …
"Why tho."是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
Why tho.的定义 英语 (美国) 法语 (法国) 德语 意大利语 日语 韩语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 (巴西) 葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙) 俄语 中文 (简体) 西班牙语 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁体,台湾) 土耳其语 越南语
Was bedeutet "why tho" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) - HiNative
Definition von why tho "Why tho" is slang (shortened language) for "Why though," and is normally used as a question. The person asking would want to learn the speaker's motive for doing …
"why tho"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
why tho"Why tho" is slang (shortened language) for "Why though," and is normally used as a question. The person asking would want to learn the speaker's motive for doing something. It …
What is the meaning of "Why tho."? - Question about English (US)
Definition of Why tho. Do you know how to improve your language skills All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker!