Enumerating Sound Recording Devices (Using winmm.dll/C#)
2007年5月7日 · This article describes a sample class that uses winmm.dll in C# through P/Invoke to enumerate sound recording devices.
winmm.dll music doesn't work for Quake II, page 2 - Forum
2023年8月31日 · By the way, back to original thread subject - Windows Quake 2 game (not winquake (1)). It is looks like common issue for some versions of Win10-11. GOGs Quake II come with preconfigured ogg music set to work properly (looks like all of 20 tracks play where they should for all mission packs). This is strange issue since there is "security update" to broke …
Audio Player using winmm.dll and WPL File- CodeProject
2006年11月9日 · Player.cs [which has all of the winmm.dll string commands]: More can be found here, which in my opinion is a pain to understand sometimes. readPlaylist.cs: This opens up an open dialog window and helps you select a *.wpl file.
New winmm.dll (Fix Remastered Edition on Windows 10), page 1
2015年10月25日 · Tarvis: winmm.dll (the wrapper to play CD audio from files on the disk) causes the games to crash on Windows 10. You could get around it by deleting the dll, but then you get no music.
Using mciSendString to play media files- CodeProject
2007年1月22日 · //mciSendString [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern long mciSendString( string command, StringBuilder returnValue, int returnLength, IntPtr winHandle); The winHandle is the handle of the form we need to be notified when the playback completes. Here is the code for the Play method of the Media class:
MIDI Monitor Written in Visual Basic- CodeProject
2021年5月14日 · Download source code - 127.7 KB Introduction This article presents a MIDI monitor written in VB, using Visual Basic Express 2010. Being curious what MIDI data is exactly outputted by my MIDI keyboard, I decided to write this little tool. Using the Code After reading several articles on CodeProject, it turned out that callbacks and delegates were needed to …
Playing .WAV files using the Windows Multi-Media Library
2004年3月25日 · Download source files - 5.09 Kb Download demo project - 3.8 Kb Introduction I have noticed that the Audio section of the tutorials is a hard section to write for. All the articles written for this section receive really bad reviews. I expect, that will happen to this one once everyone realizes what it's about: The old Windows Multi-Media extensions library or …
Winmm.dll crashes Q1 and Q2, page 1 - Forum - GOG.com
2015年10月3日 · The search term must be at least 3 characters long Community Quake series Winmm.dll crashes Q1 and Q2(7 posts)(7 posts) (7 posts) Pages: 1 This is my favourite topic Jonathan_The_Gamer
Dark Forces II: Music not playing (even with winmm.dll), page 1
2016年9月11日 · The search term must be at least 3 characters long Community Star Wars™: Dark Forces series Dark Forces II: Music not playing (even with winmm.dll)(6 posts)(6 posts) (6 posts) Pages: 1 This is my favourite topic
A Synchronized Volume Control for your Application
2008年1月16日 · Using WinMM.DLL to build a Volume Control synchronized to the system Volume Control utility.