WinPcap - Home
Thanks to its set of features, WinPcap has been the packet capture and filtering engine for many open source and commercial network tools, including protocol analyzers, network monitors, network intrusion detection systems, sniffers, traffic generators and network testers.
WinPcap · Frequently Asked Questions
2009年10月19日 · WinPcap 4.0 or newer: The installer is able to correctly detect and install the product on Microsoft Windows Vista RTM (x86 and x64). No other builds of Vista (BETA1, BETA2, RC1, RC2) have been tested.
WinPcap · Download
2021年3月28日 · WinPcap Has Ceased Development. We recommend Npcap. The WinPcap project has ceased development and WinPcap and WinDump are no longer maintained. WE RECOMMEND USING Npcap INSTEAD. If you do insist …
Obtaining the device list - WinPcap
Typically, the first thing that a WinPcap-based application does is get a list of attached network adapters. Both libpcap and WinPcap provide the pcap_findalldevs_ex() function for this purpose: this function returns a linked list of pcap_if structures, each of which contains comprehensive information about an attached adapter.
WinPcap tutorial: a step by step guide to using WinPcap
This section shows how to use the features of the WinPcap API. It is organized as a tutorial, subdivided into a set of lessons that will introduce the reader, in a step-by-step fashion, to program development using WinPcap, from the basic functions (obtaining the adapter list, starting a capture, etc.) to the most advanced ones (handling send ...
Obtaining advanced information about installed devices
Actually, WinPcap provides also other advanced information. In particular, every pcap_if structure returned by pcap_findalldevs_ex() contains also a list of pcap_addr structures, with: a list of addresses for that interface.
Remote Capture - WinPcap
WinPcap comes with Remote Capture capabilities. This is an highly experimental feature that allows to interact to a remote machine and capture packets that are being transmitted on the remote network.
WinPcap: wpcap_remote.htm Source File
The executable can be found in the <code>WinPcap</code> 00057 folder and it has the following syntax:</p> 00058 <pre> rpcapd [-b <address>] [-p <port>] [-6] [-l <host_list>] [-a <host,port>] 00059 [-n] [-v] [-d] [-s <file>] [-f <file>]</pre> 00060 <p>The daemon can be compiled and it is actually working on ...
WinPcap: pcap_pkthdr Struct Reference
Detailed Description. Header of a packet in the dump file. Each packet in the dump file is prepended with this generic header. This gets around the problem of different headers for different packet interfaces.
[Winpcap-users] WinPcap 4.1.3 not working anymore on Windows …
2015年3月29日 · Hi everyone, It would appear that this post on technet is correct: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4dc4d3d2-b47c-4297-b089-5f11e9c2ff8c/10041-and-winpcap-413-anyone-using-this Windows 10 build 10074 does appear to be working again with WinPcap 4.1.3. Chris.