Wits Centenary
Celebrating 100 Years of Wits. 1922 - 2022. Our Centenary is a significant opportunity for us to galvanise our community to secure Wits’ place as one of the world’s great universities, mapping a bright future for this remarkable institution and strengthening our impact.
Wits Centenary - University of the Witwatersrand
The Centenary is an opportunity for our global community to celebrate the impact that Wits has had on their lives, a chance to reflect and to look to the future. If we can give more people access to quality education at Wits, and attract top teaching and research talent, we can do even more to tackle inequality, contribute to employment and ...
Project MUSE - Wits University at 100
Wits University at 100: From Excavation to Innovation captures moments of Wits’ story over 100 years through exploring its origins, the space and place that it occupies in society, its transformation and challenges, and the groundwork to prepare for the next century.
Wits100 News - Wits University
2022年1月11日 · Wits celebrates 100 years of excellence . 03/03/2022. The University aims to raise R3 billion through the Centenary Campaign
Wits Centenary - University of the Witwatersrand
Through your donation, we have been able to accomplish the impossible and continue working towards our vision of being a leading world-class research-intensive university. You truly make the difference for us, and we are extremely grateful! R16 million from the Lamberti Endowment Fund.
Homecoming - Wits University
2022年9月4日 · Come and enjoy exhibitions, film screenings, musical and theatre performances, campus tours, a spectacular light show as well as school, class and sports reunions. Make sure to update your contact details. It happens once in 100 years. Join the Wits celebration! Leave your lectures and take to the streets!
Wits University at 100 - directory.doabooks.org
Wits University at 100: From Excavation to Innovation captures moments of Wits’ story over 100 years through exploring its origins, the space and place that it occupies in society, its transformation and challenges, and the groundwork to prepare for the next century.
100 Years of changing the world. For Good - Wits University
2022年10月2日 · Wits University, and Witsies, have undoubtedly changed the world for good over the past 100 years, be it through research and innovation, teaching and learning, or civic action, as reflected in the following pages in Curiosity 14: #Wits100. It was at Wits where engineers developed and tested the first radar set.
2022-02 - #Wits100: The impact of giving - Wits University
Wits has embarked on a Centenary Campaign that seeks to raise R3 billion to support teaching; research and innovation; students; and infrastructure development in eight priority areas. We have raised just over two thirds of this funding, and we need your support to reach the final target.
Wits Centenary - University of the Witwatersrand
Find out from two extraordinary couples who formed their lifelong relationships at Wits. One encouraged. One discouraged. One insisted. All succeeded. What do an oncologist, a cosmetic dentist, a machine engineer and a family of doctors have in common? What do an archaeologist and a marathon runner have in common?