Company Overview - Zhuhai Wobo Industrial Robot Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Wobo Industrial Robot Co., Ltd. Products:Industrial robot,Mechanical arm,welding machine,laser cutting,laser welding
WOBO Industrial Group Corp.
WOBO Group drives industrial growth by strengthening supply chain capabilities and resource integration to boost efficiency and competitiveness. Our core businesses include Emerging Technologies, Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Materials, Financial Services, and International Trade.
评测 | 北美儿童机器人众筹第一,网红Woobo中国开箱体验 - 知乎
定位于“互动英语学习萌宠”的悟宝,适用于3-8岁儿童,互动问答与游戏、有声绘本、儿童歌曲等功能依旧是这款带有教育属性的陪伴机器人的主打优势。 采用了薄荷绿(产品主色)和白色进行主视觉设计。 柔和的乳白色和悟宝的半身萌照一起构成主图,简洁明快。 包装上还印制有功能大类、配件信息和使用小提示等信息,些许留白并不显得画面冗杂。 薄荷绿清爽活力,毛茸质感较为亲肤,圆滚滚的造型可供小朋友双手环抱。 悟宝此前获得过2018 IEDA 工业设计奖等业界诸多大 …
Woobo, the Cambridge-Born Talking Robot for Children, is Here
2024年3月4日 · Cambridge-based startup Woobo has launched the first edition of its educational toy for children – a talkative, furry round animal with a high-pitched voice, a variety of gender-neutral activities for kids, a short USB port-shaped tail and a planned retail price of $199.
WOOBO - amazon.com
Stuffed to inspired curiosity, Woobo is a cuddly, interactive companion robot for kids. Woobo can answer questions and is filled with educational content.
Woobo Is More than a Toy Robot | alum.mit.edu
2016年9月12日 · To display emotions and a high level of interactivity, Woobo uses cloud-based artificial intelligence that coordinates what Woobo should say with the corresponding facial expressions and movements. Several sensors on the robot allow it to feel touch and interact with children’s motions. Woobo’s app for parents utilizes its unique abilities.
会社概要 - Zhuhai Wobo Industrial Robot Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Wobo Industrial Robot Co., Ltd. プロダクト:産業用ロボット、機械アーム、溶接機、レーザー切断、レーザー溶接
Woobo:做一款有趣的儿童机器人伴侣,让AI也有人情味 | 猎云网
Woobo是一款儿童智能伴侣,使用了最新的机器人技术和人工智能技术。 它的外形不同于其他陪伴机器人,只有光滑冰冷的外壳,而是覆盖着毛茸茸的外衣,大小恰好能让小朋友抱在怀中。 在团队看来,和小朋友交互的产品,不一定要聪明,但一定要好玩。 此前的经验也让团队发现,如果从技术角度来做产品,并不受小朋友喜爱。 “孩子们关心的可能是超人和蝙蝠侠谁更厉害这类问题。 我们想做的就是从用户和设计的角度,做人工智能垂直领域的产品。 经过多次摸索讨 …
Aperçu de l'entreprise - Zhuhai Wobo Industrial Robot Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Wobo Industrial Robot Co., Ltd. Produits:Robot industriel, bras mécanique, machine à souder, découpe laser, soudage laser
Woobo: The Talking Robot Inspiring Curious Kids to Explore - Kickstarter
2018年1月19日 · Woobo Inc. is raising funds for Woobo: The Talking Robot Inspiring Curious Kids to Explore on Kickstarter! A smart educational companion who answers questions and inspires kids to learn new things everyday.