FV4005 — Tier X English tank destroyer - Blitz Hangar
Low HP, Good DPM, Penetration 290, Damage 410, Reload time 21.76 (Auto-loader), Good gun depression, High penetration. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
X FV4005 Stage II - skill4ltu Index
2022年7月14日 · Less armor than the FV215b (183) but with a turret, very fun to one-shot someone and ruin their day, otherwise extremely inconsistent, RNG will ruin your day as well. …
FV215b 183 - GuidesBlitz
The FV215b 183 is one of the top tier British tank destroyers. It has the highest single shot damage in game, with great standard and HESH penetration. Other than this it has decent mobility, a surprisingly decent performing gun, though poor accuracy and quite weak armour. Click the table of contents below to access the section you want:
FV215b (183) | WoT Blitz Wiki | Fandom
The FV215b (183) is a Tier X British Tank Destroyer. It is obtained from the Tortoise and marks the end of its line. It is one of the biggest contrasts between a vehicle and its predecessor in the game, the Tortoise being a heavy assault vehicle compared to the FV215b 183 being a fairly lightly armored support TD.
X FV215b (183) - skill4ltu Index
2022年10月22日 · More armor than the FV4005 Stage II, very fun to one-shot someone and ruin their day, otherwise extremely inconsistent, RNG will ruin your day as well. You are not logged in. This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for FV215b (183). Hover the skills and perks to get full description of each.
FV215b - 3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field …
This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for FV215b. Hover the skills and perks to get full description of each. As of 5 September 2024, with the 1.26 Update, crew transfers have …
FV4005 - WoT Blitz Wiki | Fandom
The FV4005 is a Tier X British Tank Destroyer. It is obtained from the Conway. It was added in Update 6.0. Your clip has 4 shells and your average damage per shot is 410, enough to eat away at an enemy tank's health fast (1640 damage). This clip also allows you to do 1000+ damage within the first minute of the round; You have very good DPM.
FV215b — Tier X English heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Average DPM, Penetration 259, Damage 400, Reload time: 7.33, Precise. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
FV217 Badger — Tier X English tank destroyer | Blitz Hangar
Average HP, Good DPM, Penetration 275, Damage 460, Reload time: 7.16, Precise, Good gun depression, High damage, High penetration. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
FV215b - World of Tanks Blitz Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2025年2月9日 · Conqueror の後部砲塔案とされる、WGのオリジナル車両である。 Conquerorから貫通以外の火力面が順当に強化され、また、ネックだった砲塔装甲や最高速度は大幅に改善された。 特に砲塔装甲の向上は目を見張るものがあり、Tier10でもトップクラスの硬さを誇る。 その反面、車体装甲の薄さや低い体力、控えめな単発火力、遅い後退速度などは引き続き付き合っていく必要がある。 また後部砲塔になったことで、俯角は同じなものの立ち回りも少し …