WoZoCo is the first housing complex realized by MVRDV. The client, a large housing corporation, required 100 units for elderly residents in a proposal that mad...
AD经典:WoZoCo老年公寓 / MVRDV - ArchDaily
荷兰巨大的人口密度创造了内在的住房需求,给像MVRDV这样的荷兰年轻建筑师在内陆设计和建造大型项目的机会。 WoZoCo老年公寓是荷兰特殊住房需求的典例,是这个时代的产物。 公 …
Apartamentos WoZoCo, Ámsterdam - MVRDV | Arquitectura Viva
Al colgar las viviendas y dejar libre el terreno inferior, el WoZoCo se ha logrado establecer como un modelo de crecimiento para estas áreas que respeta las zonas verdes históricas. Situado …
阿姆斯特丹WoZoCo老年公寓——建筑已成经典,斑斓房子可调节 …
2021年4月29日 · WoZoCo老年公寓是20世纪五六十年代在西部花园城市 阿姆斯特丹 建设的,是荷兰政府在为照顾阿姆斯特丹的独居老人而建的低成本 公共房屋。 随着人口密度的快速增长面 …
AD Classics: WoZoCo / MVRDV - ArchDaily
2011年2月28日 · WoZoCo is a prime example of a specific need for housing in the country, providing answers for needs of their time. More on this apartment complex for elderly people …
2020年4月3日 · WoZoCo老年公寓是20世纪五六十年代在阿姆斯特丹建设的西部花园城市,是荷兰政府在为照顾阿姆斯特丹的独居老人而建的低成本公共房屋。 随着人口密度的快速增长面临 …
WoZoCo Apartments in Amsterdam | MVRDV - Arch2O.com
WoZoCo is a prime example of housing in the Netherlands, providing answers for needs of their time. The large population density of the Netherlands has created an inherent need for …
Wozoco Apartments in Amsterdam - WikiArquitectura
Commissioned by the Het Oosten Housing Association, Wozoco – built between 1994 and 1997 – is a building of 100 homes for the population over 55 years.
Phase 2: WoZoCo Apartments – Hathaway Section – Spring 2020
2020年1月20日 · Architectural Importance: Wozoco apartments are important because the density of the Netherlands is increasing so new means are created to deal with increased population. …
WoZoCo | MVRDV - Archello
The Western Garden Cities of Amsterdam built in the 1950s and 1960s, were confronted with big increases in density that continue to threaten their open green spaces, the most important …