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These screen shots were created by PHT Corporation, a company that provides ePRO data collection using handheld and tablet devices. These screenshots are from PHT's LogPad®. For questions about this electronic presentation of the WPAI, please contact Susan Dalabrida at PHT.
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Validation results for allergy-specific classroom impairment measures, modeled on the allergy-specific work impairment measures (WPAI-AS), are presented in: Reilly MC, Tanner A, Meltzer EO: Work, classroom and activity impairment instruments: validation studies in allergic rhinitis. Clinical Drug Investigations. 1996; 11(5):278-288. See WPAI:AS.
WPI eProjects 2.0 | WPI eProjects
eProjects 2.0 enables and optimizes the project process for students, faculty advisors, and academic department staff including proposals, requests, selections, and archiving of final project materials. Project Lifecycle Management at your fingertips!
Au cours des sept derniers jours, combien d’heures de travail avez-vous manquées à cause de problèmes liés à vos allergies? Comptez les heures d’absence parce que vous étiez malade, les retards et départs précoces du travail, etc. dus aux problèmes que …
2015年3月6日 · Specific Health Problem V2.0 (WPAI:SHP) Participant completes via online survey at Week 4 Baseline and Months 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, & 36 Follow-up Contacts. The following questions ask about the effect of your PROBLEM on your ability to work and perform regular activities. Please fill in the blanks or circle a number, as indicated. 1.
ePROVIDE™ - Online Support for Clinical Outcome Assessments
eCOA is the digitization of paper versions of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs), enabling electronic capture of data. Prior to going live, the process of digitization and eCOA implementation must be robustly tested to validate the integrity of measurement properties.
Log in | WPI eProjects - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
If you are not using your WPI login credentials and have been given a local login, use the link below. Local Login. Enter your WPI eProjects username. Enter the password that …
The WPI Hub | App | Eprojects
Access your GPS, IQP, or MQP projects through eProjects. © 2025 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, All Rights Reserved. IT Service & Support enables the effective use of technology for teaching, learning, research, and the administrative work of the University by providing technology and mobility solutions, support, IT content and communications.
工作效率和活动障碍问卷:一般健康(WPAI:GH) - USECOA
WPAI-GH由6个问题组成:1 =目前在职;2 =因健康问题错过的时间;3=其他原因错过的时间;4 =实际工作时间;5 =健康程度影响工作效率 (使用0 ~ 10的视觉模拟量表 (VAS));6 =在定期无薪活动中受健康程度影响的生产力 (VAS)。 问题2到问题6的回忆时间是7天。 若在非商用领域与商用领域使用WPAI:GH,无需缴纳授权费用。 可通过Clinflash获取,通过下列方式向Clinflash提交量表授权获取 …
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